Liaison Chat Transcript January 20, 2003

<pattimeow> HI everyone

<pattimeow> nice to see you all here tonight

<Ann H> Hi!

<Kathryn> hi

<Bridey> nice to see all of you

<Jan> Hi Patti

<~MM~> Hiya Patti

<Lucky> Good to be here

<Milly> Hello all

<pattimeow> As you can see I am wearing Kathleen's hat again tonight

<pattimeow> <smile>

<~MM~> I'll be bouncing in and out, I'm cooking

<Terri> it looks so good on you!

<Martha> It looks pretty good on you, Patti. :-)

<pattimeow> She couldn't make it

<pattimeow> but is with us in spirit

<~MM~> fits great, Patti

<Lucky> If the hat fits, wear it!

<pattimeow> aw shucks thanks

<pattimeow> so is anybody new to chat tonight?

<Cara R> Yes, me. I'm Cara from Santa Fe

<pattimeow> welcome to wed. chat Cara, it's great to have you here

<Dinah> Hi Cara

<Milly> welcome,Cara

<Ann H> Hello and welcome Cara

<Cara R> Thanks, everyone

<pattimeow> Sometimes WEd. chat can go kind of fast

<Jan> Hi Cara

<pattimeow> be sure to come on Monday too, where it is a smaller group and much slower

<pattimeow> but hang in here, cuz it gets easier and is lots of fun

<pattimeow> alrighty then, let's get started

<pattimeow> Wed. night chat has a topic

<pattimeow> unlike Monday night which is a time for questions

<pattimeow> So is everyone ready?

<Ann H> yes!

<Linda> yes

<Jill M.> ready

<Dinah> yes

<Jan> yup

<Lucky> ready

<Nan> yep

<Nina> has joined the Chat Room

<Nina> yes

<Cara R> ready!

<pattimeow> okay great

<Terri> yes

<Val L.> yep

<pattimeow> I thought tonight we would talk about

<Martha> yep

<pattimeow> "Checking in with Your Feelings"

<Dinah> good topic

<Terri> great idea!

<pattimeow> so to begin with....

<Jan> OK

<Milly> great topic!

<Jill M.> I was *just* reading that section of YLD yesterday...good timing!

<Martha> instead of "check your feelings at the door!"

<pattimeow> LOL

<pattimeow> okay, so listen to this:

<Jan> I was doing the YLD thing last night, too!

<pattimeow> There are three kinds of feelings that are specific to sugar sensitivity

<pattimeow> 1. regular feelings

<pattimeow> 2. sugar feelings

<pattimeow> and 3. big feelings

<pattimeow> We are going to journey through each one of them tonight, hopefully, lol

<HeathD> Great!

<pattimeow> Okay, so let's start with "regular feelings"

<pattimeow> Regular feelings come up naturally in response to everyday life

<pattimeow> being mad, sad, and happy are all regular feelings


<pattimeow> they wash in and wash out

<pattimeow> in response to situations

<Kathryn> .

<Ann H> .

<pattimeow> Does anybody know how long regular feelings usually last?

<Jill M.> 18 seconds! :-)

<HeathD> I was thinking this today

<Lily> no, probably varies

<pattimeow> Jill has done her reading, yep!

<HeathD> you feel it and then get DBa

<Bridey> sometimes all day!

<Jill M.> (At least I think that's what Kathleen said in her book. <smile>)

<Milly> short

<Dinah> Really?

<HeathD> find a solution, if necessary and move on right?

<pattimeow> Bridey if they last all day they are not "regular"

<pattimeow> <smile>

<Lily> what are they?

<Bridey> right...some sarcasm sorry

<pattimeow> remember 'regular feelings' wash in and wash out

<pattimeow> they don't stay and make camp

<Jan> then I don't have many of them

<pattimeow> and that is very normal Jan

<Terri> this was a huge realization when I first learned that!

<Lily> me either

<pattimeow> right Terri, me too

<Martha> Hmmm, do we not have them... or are we not aware of them?

<pattimeow> I had lots of feelings camping out

<pattimeow> at first

<Dinah> still do

<Nan> it's very cool to experience regular feelings now

<Terri> I used to be afraid of real feelings, because of the camping out ones--didn't know the difference

<hanna> camping out? I should charge rent!

<Jan> I think the sugar ones make camp and overwhelm the others so I don

<pattimeow> well our biochemistry messes it up, lol

<HeathD> LOL, hanna

<Jan> oops - so I don't notice the "regular" ones

<pattimeow> yes that is true Jan great analogy

<pattimeow> regular feelings are proportionate

<Martha> right Jan... which is why journaling trips so many up at the beginning

<pattimeow> clean

<pattimeow> yes, very good observation Martha!

<Jan> Terri - you've hit the nail on the head - this is pretty scary!

<pattimeow> there is much hope Jan

<pattimeow> are you spooked?

<Jan> yes

<pattimeow> okay let's take this slowly then

<Terri> I'm glad we're talking about this topic

<pattimeow> at first our emotions are scary because they stay, they are what we call "sugar feelings"

<Jan> spooked - but able to stay with it - a change related to the food!!

<pattimeow> ok, great Jan

<Val L.> right-on, Jan!

<Val L.> oops, right-on!

<Ann H> wahoo Jackie!

<pattimeow> let's finish up with regular feelings and get to the next one

<pattimeow> regular feelings are responsive rather than reactive, scary, or overwhelming

<Lily> what about repressed childhood feelings? It can't all be biochemical, or can it?

<pattimeow> they tell you you are alive

<pattimeow> those are the big feelings Lily, we will talk about those too

<pattimeow> it's a process

<Lily> great, thanks

<pattimeow> and the food helps us work through it

<pattimeow> all the feelings

<pattimeow> from regular to sugar to big

<pattimeow> this is one reason it is so important to work the program slowly

<pattimeow> now....

<pattimeow> most ss people

<pattimeow> have very little experience with regular feelings

<pattimeow> before they change the food

<pattimeow> yes?

<Dinah> Yes

<Nan> very true

<pattimeow> I sure didn't have regular feelings

<Bridey> yyes

<Jan> yes

<pattimeow> they all overwhelmed me

<Dinah> 18 SECONDS!

<Cora G> y


<pattimeow> they stayed a LOT longer than 18 seconds, LOL

<Milly> true, true, true

<Jan> LOL, Dinah - I love the sound of that!!

<HeathD> 18 years

<Cora G> if feelings show up stuff them in the closet until they finally burst out

<Martha> LOL Heather

<pattimeow> As you work the program you have started to notice new ways of responding

<pattimeow> but before program nothing makes sense

<pattimeow> LOL Heather D

<pattimeow> nope Cora

<pattimeow> heal them <smile>

<pattimeow> so, our old way of eating

<Cora G> yes now I can feel emotions and not be overly explosive

<pattimeow> keeps us, or kept us wrapped up in "sugar feelings"

<pattimeow> right Cora

<HeathD> trapped in sugar feelings

<pattimeow> Okay, let's talk about those "sugar feelings"

<Cara R> drama queen, that was me

<Jan> yes - especially eating to numb the feelings, making the biochem worse

<Ann H> .

<pattimeow> these will seem familiar and are a function of your biochemistry more than of your personality

<Kathryn> overwhelmed

<Lucky> .

<pattimeow> do you all know what a "sugar feeling" might be?

<Milly> High buzz volatility, overly sensitive, on the defensive

<Nan> endless brooding over the past

<Jan> guilty

<Lily> anger

<HeathD> reactive

<Kathryn> irritable

<Jill M.> angry

<Cora G> hiding from people

<Lily> shame

<Martha> usually an outward signal that it's sugar feelings is "crazy talk"

<Jan> frustrated

<Cara R> self pity

<Kathryn> isolated

<Dinah> blame

<Bridey> chewing my cud is what I call it now!

<Val L.> feeling done-to

<Connie> out of proportion

<HeathD> crazy thoughts over and over

<Cora G> all of the above

<Milly> self-hatred moping

<Val L.> hamster mind

<Dinah> withdrawn

<Kathryn> depressed

<KittyMorel> pissy for no particular reason

<Val L.> obsessive, compulsive

<pattimeow> not being able to follow directions

<Lily> bummws our

<HeathD> hating yourself

<Val L.> teary

<Jan> sad and lonley

<Connie> pitching a fit with a ruffle on it

<Cora G> being a slob

<Kathryn> disorganized

<pattimeow> all or nothing thinking

<Nan> obsessive unwanted thoughts

<Jan> LOL, Connie

<Terri> lol Connie

<pattimeow> taking things personally

<Martha> What about: real feelings supersized?

<Ann H> LOL Connie

<Val L.> catastrophizing, drama

<pattimeow> oh yes, Martha

<HeathD> fantasies to escape

<pattimeow> staying stuck

<Jan> yes - catastrophising!!

<pattimeow> overeacting to criticism

<Martha> I mean, sometimes they are not really "real" but other times I think they have a kernel of truth and we blow it out of proportion

<HeathD> stinkin thinkin

<Val L.> right, Martha

<Jill M.> overreaction to anything

<Jan> seeing criticism where there isn't any at all

<pattimeow> right Martha

<Val L.> like, there really *is* an issue, but we make a much bigger deal out of it

<Lily> taking things personally

<Jan> yes, Martha

<Milly> thanks, Martha...I was about to disagree :)

<Martha> You talking to me, Lily!!??

<Martha> LOL

<pattimeow> but it is not "we" that blows them out of proportion really

<pattimeow> it is our biochemistry

<pattimeow> not our personality

<Lily> no-one in particular

<Bridey> yes but for years I did not know that

<pattimeow> so more than likely

<hanna> .

<Bridey> what a waste of time

<Martha> Lily... I was teasing, I was pretending to take it personally. :-)

<Jan> I "know" that, but it is very new to actually live it

<pattimeow> you may not have even been aware of these feelings

<Linda> .

<Martha> True Bridey, those 18-year feelings suck up a lot of energy

<Lucky> .

<pattimeow> and then when someone comes along and says

<pattimeow> those are 'sugar feelings' we get um, irritated sometimes

<Ann H> LOL Martha!

<Lucky> sometimes?

<Cora G> :)

<Martha> we get sugar feelings about our sugar feelings.

<pattimeow> LOL Lucky

<HeathD> oh yeah, What do you mean it's my biochemistry

<Nan> to put it mildly

<pattimeow> yes Martha we do!

<pattimeow> right Heather

<Bridey> irritated! down right obstinate!

<Jan> uh - huh!!

<pattimeow> we feel that our feelings are being invalidated

<HeathD> I worked hard on getting wound up about such and such

<pattimeow> we WANT to own them, LOL

<pattimeow> we open camp for them

<Val L.> it's like, don't tell me it's my PMS, you're just really a jerk!!! LOL

<Lily> feeling persecuted

<pattimeow> LOL Val

<Jan> hurt

<Cara R> Wow, feeling invalidated, is a big one for me

<Milly> We want it to be about our dysfunctional past rather than what we ate in the last 24 hours!

<pattimeow> or you may have felt that the feelings were due to

<Martha> true, Val, sugar feelings sure do make everyone else turn into a jerk! LOL

<Jan> Yes, Milly!

<pattimeow> "just one of those days/weeks

<Val L.> LOL Martha!

<Jan> jaut all that stress

<pattimeow> LOL Martha

<pattimeow> or pms

<pattimeow> or the kids were on your case

<pattimeow> or or or

<Val L.> Cara R, a lot of that invalidated feeling is biochemical -- the "charge" around it goes away w/ the food

<Dinah> .

<Ann H> thank goodness Val!

<pattimeow> when you get further in the program

<pattimeow> you can look back at your journal

<Val L.> yep, Ann, LOL

<pattimeow> and revisit those feelings and see them clearly

<HeathD> oh, it's so fun to do that!

<pattimeow> with care and tenderness

<HeathD> what a difference!

<Val L.> and think, Oh My Gawd...

<pattimeow> smile at how pervasive these reactions were for you

<Val L.> (gently, of course!)

<Cara R> :-)

<pattimeow> How does it feel to look back on these old sugar feelings, for those of you that can?

<Martha> It so enlightening to look back at my first journal.

<Daisy> When I can identify the feelings as sugar feeling, it take a bit of the edge off...

<Bridey> really eye opening

<HeathD> Validating, finally

<Kathryn> I am just grateful not to be in that place any more

<Ann H> It is a relief to no longer deal with them.

<melodie> .

<Nan> relief that I know them for what they were

<Martha> Glad not to be that volatile

<HeathD> I knew it wasn't just 'me' !!!!

<Cora G> it challenged me to stay on the program

<Jan> it feels almost like it was another person

<Lily> I don't think I am there yet!, although I am getting better

<Bridey> it is so nice to get to know th e'real' me

<HeathD> You will get there Lily!

<pattimeow> and at first

<Jan> I'm not there, either, but can sse so much difference!

<Daisy> motivation to stay on track with my food

<pattimeow> it was so hard to believe that changing my food would change those sugar feelings

<~MM~> .

<Ann H> that right Patti!

<HeathD> well, the sugar feelings keep creeping up

<Kathryn> You have to trust what otheres are saying

<HeathD> making it hard to trust the food


<Bridey> oh I had to was all that was left

<Kathryn> It really does work!

<HeathD> Yes, Kathryn!

<Nan> I didn't really believe til it happened for me

<pattimeow> some may feel a little unnerved or embarrassed as you look back at how you used to feel and react

<pattimeow> right Nan, me either!

<KittyMorel> ok

<Lily> yup

<pattimeow> let's talk about the "healing" that takes place

<Cara R> I still do react if I am "late'

<Cara R> for a meal, I mean

<pattimeow> part of healing is to be able to turn back to our process with clear eyes and a willingness to embrace who we were

<Ann H> that is the proof for me Cara R.

<Milly> I didn't have any idea HOW MUCH my emotional life would change with the food my body operates best with

<pattimeow> right Cara

<~MM~> me either, Milly

<Milly> I look back at her with compassion

<Nan> ain't it the truth Milly

<Kathryn> You don't know what you don't know

<pattimeow> remember that these 'sugar feeling' responses were a function/or are

<pattimeow> of your ss biochemistry

<pattimeow> you were/are not a bad person

<Kathryn> I had no idea I could feel so good

<Connie> right Kathryn

<Daisy> Compassion is a great emotion towards who we were...compassion and kindness

<HeathD> Yes, I give her a big hug, she jsut didn't know

<pattimeow> you were/are caught in your biochemistry and you didn't know

<~MM~> that's great Kathryn

<Lily> how long do intense sugar feelings last after detox?

<Jan> good question, Lily

<Lily> thanks

<Connie> Lily it is proportionate to the imbalance

<pattimeow> not sure what you mean Lily?

<Connie> big imbalance, lingers long

<Cora G> once I accepted that I was SS then I could work on my life

<pattimeow> right Connie

<Jan> I'm a month into detox, and there is progress, but slowly

<Connie> little imbalance, sugar feelings go away quick

<Val L.> right, Jan, it still takes time

<Joe M> My progress post detox was slow. Still is actually.

<Jan> steadiness, but not radiance - yet

<Joe M> But it's noticeable progress.

<pattimeow> Do you mean that you still feel sugar feelings Joe?

<Cora G> steadiness leads to radiance

<Linda> me too Joe

<Connie> after detox it also depends on your ongoing BE program

<Bridey> .

<Kathryn> It takes a while to change lifelong patterns

<Nan> I'm just now really feeling the radiance

<hanna> .

<~MM~> so important Connie

<Joe M> I tend to describe it layers of resistance peeling away.

<Lily> I detoxed a couple of weeks ago, but sometimes really intense "stuff" comes up

<Martha> I think of steadiness as a snowplow that clears the way for radiance.

<Jan> how long, Nan?

<Martha> Some of us have more snow piled up. :-)

<Connie> and serotonin too

<Milly> as K says, it just keeps getting better :)

<pattimeow> yes layers

<Joe M> As for full sugar feelings,

<Dinah> .

<Daisy> Never thought of BE as a program, Connie

<pattimeow> okay, those might be the 'big feelings ; Lily

<~MM~> it does, Milly

<Nan> I detoxed early June

<Daisy> Great analogy, Martha

<Joe M> When I get them, I know SOMETHING is off with my plan

<pattimeow> right Joe

<Connie> I should say, the BE parts of my program?

<~MM~> yep Joe

<Martha> Connie, I like "BE Program."

<Martha> Sounds very intentional.

<Val L.> well, think about it, we detox, and if we don't have a good BE program, then our BEs can still be low -- ergo, sugar feelings

<Jan> I struggle with the BE parts

<Kathryn> That is my biggest challenge after detox, Connie

<Daisy> I think the BE part is a missing link for me...

<Connie> yes, it took me FOREVER to realize that stopping spiking was only half the story

<Joe M> Something else I'm slowly getting better at.

<Ann H> You need to work on raising BE's all day long.

<pattimeow> it is finding the balance

<Cora G> then one day everything feels so much better

<Connie> the other half is raising the overall level

<Kathryn> I couldn't figure it out til I got the sugar out

<Terri> I'm still learning the BE part--I was really resistant to that part of my program in teh beginning

<pattimeow> right exactly Connie

<Jan> you guys really give me hope!

<Cora G> so much so that you don’t want to let go the new feelings

<Lily> Interesting

<Val L.> we need to work on raising them without spiking them or we are right back where we started

<Cora G> and I guess that is radiance

<Joe M> We got plenty of that Cora. ;-)

<~MM~> that’s right Val


<Connie> Cora yes!

<pattimeow> Okay so here's another interesting thought

<~MM~> I have low BE and low serotonin

<pattimeow> even after years of therapy and self help activities we can become very insightful and understand how our family history affected our choices -

<pattimeow> yet still feel inadequate

<pattimeow> cranky

<pattimeow> and out of control

<pattimeow> But

<Lily> wow, no kidding

<pattimeow> when we change our food those feelings go away

<Val L.> that's for sure

<~MM~> I am living proof

<Nan> oh yeah

<Cora G> oh yes yes

<Cora G>

<HeathD> me too MM

<pattimeow> So let's talk about the "go away" part

<Val L.> I'm a poster girl, LOL

<Joe M> Quite true

<~MM~> I was finally able to apply all I had learned from therapy and 12step programs

<Jan> yes, please

<pattimeow> the "other side" of Sugar Sensitivity

<Milly> and new insights and solutions! fall like into our lives like gentle rain

<Daisy> Sounds great... mine are in process of going away...

<~MM~> really feel the stuff

<Cara R> So true..I would not have believed it

<Cora G> I wake up pleased to face the day

<Linda> Nice Milly :)

<pattimeow> what's on the other side of sugar sensitivity - the "real" states of mind underneath your sugar feelings

<Cora G> And walking is not exercise its a stroll in beauty

<KittyMorel> that's nice Milly

<pattimeow> what new patterns emerge?

<pattimeow> clear thinking?

<pattimeow> what else?

<pattimeow> hope

<Val L.> focus

<Daisy> self esteem

<HeathD> humor

<Martha> Milly, I love that

<~MM~> going with the flow

<Ann H> confidence

<Bridey> contentment

<Lily> joy?

<Jan> I'm realising that I still work pretty hard on not feeling or thinking

<Cora G> eagerness to work on projects

<Milly> better listening

<Martha> grace

<Kathryn> letting things roll off your back

<Connie> a bubbly kind of happiness

<Bridey> organization

<Val L.> able to attend to others, not just ourselves

<Daisy> free to care about others

<KittyMorel> a better connection to common sense ;-)

<Cora G> life happens but so what

<Martha> great one, Kitty

<Connie> just happy to be here, kinda girl

<Kathryn> happy just to be

<Cara R> ability to stay present

<pattimeow> cooperation and mutuality

<HeathD> content

<Kathryn> No worries, even if you hve things to worry about

<Terri> ability to handle the hard stuff better too

<~MM~> able to see the positive

<pattimeow> being realistic and appropriate

<Val L.> proportionate and appropriate reactions

<Daisy> take things in stride

<Cora G> can stop and watch a butterfly

<HeathD> loving life

<Milly> intimate and connected

<pattimeow> feeling mobilized and able to take action

<~MM~> Val, that's my biggeee

<pattimeow> Wow are you seeing this?

<pattimeow> !

<Joe M> Stilled the crossed signals in my mind

<Terri> I used to think that any time I felt a negative feeling I must be losing my radiance

<pattimeow> what a gift

<Cora G> creativity seem to jump

<Nan> laughing at myself

<pattimeow> doing the food has to offer each of us!

<Joe M> Stopped beating myself up.


<Kathryn> that is so true

<Cora G> learning how to laugh

<Terri> now I know that sometimes I'll be sad and that's appropriate for the situation

<Connie> Terri that is so true

<Cora G> true terri

<Val L.> true, Terri

<pattimeow> right Terri, that is a "regular feeling"

<pattimeow> it washes in and washes out

<Val L.> and even sometimes when it's Big Sad, it's okay

<pattimeow> right and we will get to that in a minute Val

<pattimeow> great thought

<Daisy> Ability to feel the feelings without being overwhelmed by them

<Kathryn> I just had big sad, my dog died, and i got through it ok

<Terri> like going to my grandma's funeral last month

<pattimeow> {{{Kathryn}}}

<HeathD> Sorry Kathryn

<Connie> yes, Kathryn, hugs

<Val L.> so sorry, Kathryn

<Ann H> Sorry Kathryn

<Cora G> hugs

<Kathryn> It took a few days and now I have grieved and feel good again

<pattimeow> and we have a community

<Connie> hugs to you too Terri

<Dinah> Sorry Kathryn and Terri

<pattimeow> that we can reach out to

<Martha> sorry to hear that Kathryn

<Cora G> hugs Kathryn

<Joe M> {{{Kathryn}}} Remember, all dogs go to heaven

<Daisy> Hugs Terri and Kathryn

<Kathryn> thanks everyone

<pattimeow> that can help hold us, while "we" hold the feelings

<~MM~> a huge hug to you, Kathryn

<Dinah> hugs to you both!

<Terri> I was sad at our loss, but truly enjoyed being with my family and celebrating her memory

<Martha> Terri, I loved your story about that.

<Ann H> right Terri

<Daisy> That's wonderful, Terri

<Val L.> right, Terri, and you didn't create a catastrophe out of any of it

<Milly> you were clear to mourn her purely, Terri

<melodie> .

<pattimeow> the longer you work with your food plan, the more you will trust the balance that becomes part of your natural state

<Val L.> you were just so clear

<Kathryn> Life is just doable when you do the food

<Martha> good motto, Kathryn

<pattimeow> and like Joe said

<pattimeow> If you get slippery with your food, the old sugar feelings come back

<pattimeow> in fact

<Connie> or your sleep, or your exciting life, or dramatic relatives

<pattimeow> the return of sugar feelings is often the best clue that your food is off

<pattimeow> right Connie

<Val L.> true, it is for me, Patti

<pattimeow> me too Val

<Joe M> Less self doubt - that's why I was able to move from NJ to WA last week.

<Daisy> How we're feeling serves as kinda a barometer for how our program is...

<pattimeow> but sometimes my buds have to point it out to me, LOL

<Val L.> or what Connie said -- sleep, getting sick, etc.

<~MM~> absolutely Patti

<Milly> but there's no despair now, because we know just what to do

<pattimeow> right Joe

<Connie> yes and no shame if our buds see something

<Val L.> that's what buds are for, Patti :-)

<Connie> that's what we are here for

<pattimeow> right Connie

<Connie> GMTA Val

<Kathryn> exactly Milly, what a relief

<Val L.> LOL Connie

<Milly> Happy Move, Joe!

<Daisy> That's what buds are us with our blind spots

<pattimeow> yes Daisy

<pattimeow> sometimes when we have slippage...

<Dinah> .

<Jan> .

<Joe M> Thanks! It'll be happier now that I got my bed and won't have to sleep on the floor. :-)

<pattimeow> at first because of foggy thinking we may not see it

<pattimeow> kewl Joe, LOL

<melodie> ?GTMA

<Ann H> Yeah Joe!

<Connie> such a pioneer Joe!

<Daisy> Joe...has Sue arrived yet?

<Val L.> great minds think alike, Melodie

<Bridey> .

<Lucky> .

<melodie> AHA!

<Martha> geesh, I got tripped up on GTMA too, Melodie!

<pattimeow> Okay, for those of you that don't know it

<pattimeow> Joe and Sue are moving across the USA to Seattle!

<pattimeow> and they are very excited

<pattimeow> <smile>

<Joe M> Not yet. I'm just here with my outpost setup and Sue is expected in about 1 1/2 weeks

<Daisy> tis a major move..

<Val L.> YAYAYAY!!! so are those of us in the Northwest, LOL

<Nan> ooo, I'm jealous

<HeathD> Yeah!

<pattimeow> And we are excited for them, and with them!

<Cora G> :))))

<Martha> The East Coast will miss you.

<Cara R> What is GTMA?

<pattimeow> great minds think alike

<pattimeow> Okay, so --

<Martha> wouldn't that be GMTA?

<pattimeow> do you guys want to talk a little about the "big feelings" now?

<Joe M> I will miss the East Coast, especially NJ

<Val L.> yes, Patti

<pattimeow> LOL yah Martha

<Cora G> y

<Dinah> yes

<Nan> ok

<Lucky> please

<Ann H> yes

<Joe M> How about arriving in Seattle after a 45 hour drive?

<Daisy> sure

<Dinah> ouch Joe

<pattimeow> Once your sugar feelings and foggy or mushy brain have been healed

<pattimeow> and you are clear...

<pattimeow> calm

<pattimeow> and steady

<Martha> (and can spell GMTA GTMA)

<Martha> LOL

<pattimeow> you then have an opportunity to go back and heal the big feelings

<pattimeow> Martha!!!!

<pattimeow> LOL

<Kathryn> LOL!!

<Milly> That's when it really gets spiritual.

<Daisy> off chasing

<Joe M> But you didn't get mad over the little misspelling!

<pattimeow> Many of us ss's carry a pool of very big, very old pain beneath our fat,

<pattimeow> or

<Joe M> It was worth a giggle! :-)

<pattimeow> even if we are not fat we carry this pain often sometimes beneath our perfectionism or codependency etc

<Martha> or beneath our anger

<pattimeow> We might have experienced childhood trauma

<pattimeow> right Martha

<pattimeow> or physical/emotional abuse

<pattimeow> molestation

<Bridey> codependency!!!!!! you named it!

<pattimeow> incest/rape etc.

<pattimeow> these big feelings

<pattimeow> are encoded at a cellular level

<Daisy> abandonment and/or betrayal

<Lucky> .

<Joe M> Got some of the childhood stuff.

<pattimeow> this is one reason why going fast does not work

<Martha> Or even big feelings that come from various childhood stuff that isn't that traumatic-looking

<Milly> yes, those, Daisy....

<pattimeow> Your inside self will get scared and work very hard to protect you


<hanna> .

<pattimeow> right Martha

<Dinah> I need the healing

<HeathD> .

<Lucky> .

<Jan> yes, Martha

<pattimeow> Connie are you with us?

<Donna S.> ..

<Connie> yup, late but here!

<Cora G> had to forgive others in baby steps

<Cara R> Foods with sugar were always the answer

<pattimeow> I was hoping that maybe you could talk some about the "bowl" that Kathleen talks about?

<Cora G> then I could forgive myself

<melodie> .

<Connie> sure, I even found the thread

<Jan> Martha - I have no real reason for those big feelings . . . they just "are"

<pattimeow> great, everyone look to Connie for a minute and listen

<pattimeow> <smile>

<Martha> Gotcha Jan, I can relate

<Joe M> Heeeeeere's Connie!

<Daisy> .

<Dinah> grin

<Connie> ok it starts, sugar sensitive people have a biochemistry

<pattimeow> go ahead Connie

<Connie> that means they have big feelings

<Connie> but they are told not to have them, or for guys, to hold it in

<pattimeow> right

<~MM~> .

<Daisy> .

<Lucky> .

<Dinah> true

<Jan> yes

<Connie> so then you learn to hold the feelings

<Dinah> what are YOU so upset about?

<Connie> by fighting, or getting with abusers, or eating

<Connie> or cutting or running or gambling or risky sex

<Martha> or you may not be told, but you learn that expressing feelings is not rewarded

<Connie> (shall I do all 22 addictions we came up with?)

<pattimeow> right

<Cara R> Oh, Wow, yes!!

<pattimeow> squashing the feelings

<Daisy> good point, Martha..

<pattimeow> sure Connie

<Jan> but they leak out in tears, sometimes

<Connie> nah

<pattimeow> lol

<Milly> it's all the same addictive cycle

<Joe M> We can look it up.

<Connie> so what the "bowl" idea is - ---


<Connie> when you do the food you create a strong bowl to

<Connie> hold the feelings.

<pattimeow> exactly

<Connie> They don't spill all over like lava

<Jan> wow

<pattimeow> no cracks in the bowl

<Connie> scaring the beeje out of you and others

<pattimeow> no leaks

<Martha> ahhh, no lid on the bowl

<Val L.> they don't leak out all over our friends and family, LOL

<Dinah> I want a painted bowl

<Connie> righty-o! so you can hold the feelings long enough to let them melt

<Dinah> flowers

<Connie> and then they can go away.

<pattimeow> it is painted Dinah, with radiance and washed with radiance too

<Jan> cool

<Martha> (I meant, no lid, as in creating a pressure cooker)

<HeathD> wonderful image

<Joe M> I have a sugar bowl that I can keep my feelings in. It's not getting much use these days!

<Martha> that is a cool image, Connie

<Val L.> hey, I smell a craft project, LOL -- radiant bowls!!!

<Connie> Joe LOL

<Daisy> So with the bowl you acknowledge feelings but just handle appropriately?

<Dinah> LOL Joe

<pattimeow> lol Joe

<HeathD> oh, val, how fun!

<Connie> Daisy yes.

<Connie> I will quote more from Kathleen....

<pattimeow> oh Val, that would be a neat Radiant Ranch idea

<Connie> Then you get this um, depth, and vision, and POWER. Its a *knowing*...your cells know and you have a body to trust and your heart matches your body.

<Joe M> Great Ranch idea

<Jan> a tibetan singing bowl, for me

<Connie> This is what happens when you get the bowl

<Daisy> It would be... pottery and painting...

<Val L.> oooh, nice, Jan

<pattimeow> thank you Connie

<Joe M> Good one Jaquie!

<HeathD> thanks Connie

<Martha> thank you connie

<Milly> yes, thanks so much, Connie

<Connie> thanks Kathleen and Scott! this was articulated over at CST and it's really cool

<Jan> thanks, Connie

<Cora G> thanks

<pattimeow> and I want to add one thing before we close

<~MM~> great, Connie

<~MM~> thank you

<pattimeow> Your big feelings will heal

<pattimeow> You will discover a strong confident self

<pattimeow> and a personal power

<pattimeow> that comes with this healing

<pattimeow> Continue to support and talk with each other

<pattimeow> You will find you are fine, and will manage your new life well

<Lucky> thank you all for a "Big heaping helping of HOPE!

<pattimeow> your radiant life

<Lily> I am looking forward to ti

<pattimeow> <smile>

<Nan> I wow.

<Milly> amen.

<Daisy> wonderful chat y'all

<Dinah> I'm ready for Radiance

<pattimeow> change the food

<Cara R> I am beginning to see it! Thanks everyone.

<HeathD> awesome talk Patti and everyone

<pattimeow> change your life

<Daisy> thanks Patti, Connie, Martha and Val

<pattimeow> Thank you everyone for coming tonight

<Bridey> wow! I needed to hear that, Thanks Connie and patti

<Joe M> Thanks Patti and merry crew!

<Linda> Thanks Patti, good chat

<pattimeow> See you on the lists!

<Jan> thanks guys!

<~MM~> thank YOU, Patti

<Val L.> thanks, Patti!

<Dinah> Thank you Pattie

<pattimeow> night all

<Nina> Thanks Patti--

<Cora G> and thanks to all of you

<Val L.> 'night everyone!

<Donna S.> Thanks

<Lily> thanks Patti, great chat