Re: Doing PNP for the first time

Ok, I slowly re-read and re-re-read Step One in PNP. Here's what I picked up to do/think of in addition to the straight forward steps.

The change of your food heals your biochemistry. The process heals addictive behavior.

Know protein grams, but don't get caught up in the numbers.

I should have ~24g protein for breakfast. (I weigh 125lbs.)

Get to know your body and practice taking care of your body.

Mentally be in the current step, not in the final or next step.

Listen, learn, reflect and build skills.

So, basically, since I already 'do the food' for step one, I can focus on thoughtfulness and healing and make note of how I feel after each type of breakfast, etc. I think I understand the in depth, healing addictive behavior part now. I'll do this for a while...until I feel done. :h6)

Oh, and I see that I should drop 1 scoop of protein powder from my morning shake. Did that today and I feel fine so far. Yay!

: Hi Becky,

: This is a very thoughtful response.
: :h2) I am going to answer your
: questions right in your post.

: Yes, it will take a little shifting
: of your perspective. :h2)

: I'm attempting the

: :h5) yes, we can do that.

: Yes, so we have a way for you to
: calculate your breakfast needs.
: Part of *beginner's mind* would be to
: learn that way. It is different
: from
: what you are doing :h11)

: I saw a dietician and a

: Yes, that is what gave you the start.
: Actually we are not advocating a
: *protein rich*
: breakfast. Beginner's mind would mean
: learning what we are doing and
: why. I will explore of
: why this program is so different from
: what you have been doing.
: Beginner's mind will
: allow you to step out of feeling that
: you have everything set and come
: to the process with a
: sense of not knowing everything and
: being open to change.

: From lots

: I am happy to help. You are obviously
: committed and willing.
: But what you are doing is not working
: :h11) Your brain says
: I feel great, except when I don't.
: But it doesn't connect with
: the don't part. The program you are
: doing would be just fine
: for someone who is not sugar
: sensitive, but it is a disaster
: for
: some one who is not only sugar
: sensitive but a sugar addict.
: The yo-yo cycle you are describing is
: in fact VERY taxing and is
: clobbering
: your brain and your body.

: What we will do here is help you to
: HEAL your sugar sensitive brain
: and
: to stop the addictive crisis and
: drama of falling off the cliff
: every month or so.

: :h11) Part of what we do is to NOT
: use something like fitday.
: And not to count carbs/proteins/fats.
: That keeps you focused on your
: numbers rather than your body.

: Your breakfasts sound delicious.
: There are some differences in how
: we calculate.
: and if you are open to that, you can
: explore it. My suggestion would be
: that
: you join the fitness list. I think
: you will feel most comfortable
: there in
: learning the logistics of what we are
: doing.

: Actually Restore is whey protein
: isolate and has no lactose or
: casein, which are
: the two culprits that dairy allergy
: comes from. One benefit from doing
: this program
: is that many of your food allergies
: can be healed.

: Before you start journaling, my
: suggestion is to learn what we are
: actually doing :h5)
: My sense is that your brain read
: about the program and said, *yep,
: check, got it!* but
: you haven't taken the time to
: understand what the *it* is yet.
: :h1)

: The class that we are doing next week
: called What Else is Embedded in
: the Steps might also
: give you some very nice context.

: I love your energy and willingness!!
: :h2) :h2)

: Warmly,

: kathleen