Re: Food Addiction
In Response To: Food Addiction ()

I can definitely relate to food addiction. It's not just biochemistry but the way we learn to depend on food growing up. My dad was abusive and my mom was always bringing home sweets...those made me happy in the face of the abuse, at least temporarily. It's a hard bind to break, really. But at least now I know I have RR, a well trodden road to recovery when before I could only see hopelessly thick woods!

We will get there. :h9)

Last month I started an exercise regime from a blog I found online. The outlined exercises are really doable and they make me feel good about myself. Even if I have to stop and take a breath, drink some water etc. I am 275 pounds, so exercising isn't easy for me (especially with my sensitivity to pain). But it makes me feel good afterwards. Even if I'm still on step 1 I can exercise and feel good about that. Just one thing at a time, whatever that one thing is for you. It makes a big difference.

: Just wanted to put this out there.
: Had a discussion yesterday with my
: significant other, who is by the
: way, a recovering alcoholic for
: over 20 years. I was thinking that
: he could relate to food addiction
: since he is an addict. But come to
: find out that he thinks I worry
: too much about what I eat and what
: I weigh. Always putting myself
: down. I thought he was a good
: sounding board, but maybe not.
: Doesn't think that food addiction
: is something real. That I can eat
: whatever I want, like he does and
: then walk 3 miles a day. He eats
: 24/7 and was overweight, but
: started running and lost about
: 30lbs. I am a child of an
: alcoholic and I am sure most of my
: behaviors come from that. I have
: started the program a couple of
: times and do very well on it, but
: I have to be very strict with
: everything. I am all or none and
: most people don't understand that.
: Just blows me away that I would
: have to explain that to him, all
: along I thought he understood. BUT
: this was a good thing, because it
: made me realize how much I do talk
: about it and put myself down. This
: has to stop, so I am made a pledge
: not to dwell on the negative
: anymore, to always forgive myself
: and meditate on it more. Funny
: though, we have a new girl at work
: that has food issues like I do. I
: gave he my Sugar Addicts Recovery
: book to read. It is great to find
: someone who can relate. Plus
: everyone on here. I need to do
: what is right for me and follow
: the plan as best I can and not
: lose focus. Thanks for being here,
: thanks for listening........ Love
: and Light, Marcia