Re: YLD password
In Response To: Re: YLD password ()

Hi Ann, Kitty is away this weekend, but I am familiar with what is going on for you with YLD. You were added directly to the YLD list with your bellsouth email address. You should have received a request to fill out a profile for that address and once you do you can access the messages from the Yahoo website. But they should also come to your bellsouth email inbox. Have you been getting those?

I see you also took out a yahoo name and that is the one that is pending approval. We can approve you with that address, but that means you'd be getting YLD email with two different addresses. Do you want that?

Can you tell me from which European group (the exact name) you are getting email. I looked at radiantBrits and don't see you as a member there.

Then, last, most classes do not require you to be a YLD member, but since you are a member, you can take any class you wish.

I hope this helps some. Let me know if you have further questions.
