Accessing YLD Chat room

Dear Technical Support,

I just joined YLD and am working on familiarizing myself with how to participate in the chat room. I may need help or I may be OK, I don’t really know. Here is what I have experienced so far. Please tell me if what I am accessing seems to be OK to you or if what I’m accessing is wrong.

I use an Apple laptop computer and it seems to have Java on it – to the best of my knowledge. My server is AT&T, formerly Bell South.

I went to what I think is the chat site but can’t seem to do anything there – by that I mean I tried typing in something and nothing appeared in the box. Of course, that might be because there is no chat going on at the present time. So I think I’m having some problems and probably need your help.

When I click on this site (, a box comes up asking me to enter my YLD ID and password.

When I do this, a new page loads, but it is NOT a green box with the logo (as is mentioned in the instructions). What I get is a page that has the words Your Last Diet in large green letters at the top. Below that is a text box with an ad for George’s Shake over on the right hand side. Below the ad is a box for Online or Away; below that are the words Liaisons, Main Room and Private. Below that is the word Send.

The chat instructions say I should see words like Guest or Connect. I don’t see either one.

In the big text box in red letters it says “Nice to see you! You have entered the Main Room.” I tried typing in the box, but nothing appeared – again, possibly because there is no chat going on at present.

Do you think I am accessing what I am supposed to be accessing to participate in the chats? Since I never see the logo or a green box, I question whether I am at the right place.

Thanks so much for your help!

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