Re: Newbie. Not sure how to proceed.

Hi Trish
Actually, it is quite common for people to be drawn to foods they are sensitive to, because when we eat them, we get a release of beta endorphin to protect us from the pain of the reaction to the food.

As you do the steps, it will get easier. I found that when I reached a certain point in my healing, it was easier to step away from addiction. One of my addictions was compulsive shopping, and one day after doing the food for a while, I realized it had just stopped.

: Hi - As a fellow newbie with multiple
: food sensitivities, this has been
: very helpful to read! :h2)

: I give myself 4 different allergy
: shots every 4 days, but I cannot
: seem to avoid the foods I am
: reactive to (dairy, wheat, yeast,
: sugar), I feel addicted to them.
: :s7(

: I am hoping the 7 steps will help me
: do what is best for my body. I
: guess I should start journaling
: and see what my body has to say.
: :h6)

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