Re: Be a better self but still yourself

Hello Ming,
I found your post really interesting! For me, it was actually really different then for you. I will share my experience with you in the following excerpt from your post:

: 1. forget about my sugar sensitive
: body, just as normal people

I actually cherish and "remember" my sugar sensitive body ALL THE TIME. I try to talk to my body if I'm starting to feel hungry and haven't planned ahead. I will say "I'm sorry, body, I didn't plan ahead. I know I'm not taking good care of you, but I will do better next time." It actually seems to help me not feel so terrible! I know, though, that as someone who is sugar-sensitive, I need to plan ahead and eat carefully. I don't find this annoying anymore. It feels empowering and awesome to me! :h11)

: 2. don't be hungry, even when you
: want to lose weight

I agree! I try to not let get myself hungry if possible. The best way for me to avoid this is follow the steps carefully. The best method would be to use my journal to check in every day, but right now I'm not journaling, and it feels like I'm missing something! I'm thinking I might review the steps and try to get the journal back in place. How are you doing this? What do you do to avoid getting hungry?

: 3. eat something "sweet"
: can ease the craving, try the
: artificial sweetener, like sugar
: alcoholes (xilitol / erythritol),
: Atkins, Quest, Irvine, and other
: protein bars are good ones for me.
: It contains much protein and
: fiber, very few nett carbs; but do
: not eat them as snacks, eat them
: when u r hungry, as a meal

Hmm, I prefer to use something natural - I like fruit. I think the things you listed would not work very well for me. I eat fruit after a meal but not as a meal - that wouldn't work for me at all. If I eat something sweet without a meal, it gives me a sugar high and makes me feel bad soon after. Do you eat anything with those protein bars?

: 4. excersice regularly, let it be
: part of your everyday life, no
: matter how busy u r; maybe just
: doing some HITT or Insanity at
: home for 20-30 minutes; Burpee
: would be a good option, 10 minutes
: Burpee burns 200+ calaries, even
: more than 30 min other regular
: work out.

I actually exercise A LOT - about 5 times a week. I love it! But I very rarely think about calories, and if I do, I think: Did I eat ENOUGH to support my activity level? I have actually learned through this program that being kind to your body is the best way. I work out to be strong and fit and healthy. I do not work out to lose weight anymore. I have also learned that exercising too much can be really bad for one's body and metabolism. Do you enjoy the exercise you are doing? Does it make you feel good?

Anyway, thanks for making me think this through. I've been on this program for a long time now, a little over 9 years. It's really changed my life. Currently, I do all steps except for the journal, and as always there are little things to work out - my meal timing could be better, for example. I love this forum because it helps to keep me honest and connected. What step are you on? What's your favorite breakfast?


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