Re: My food plan

Hi Marion,

I hope you decide to get some coaching from Kathleen. I know
she can help you truly heal. You're on the way already. :h11)

Please let us know how it goes if you do it. We're rooting for you. :h2)


: JoEllen,
: Im new to this so not sure if my
: response should be here or above
: your response.
: But, thank you for your comments. I
: really appreciate it. And you are
: right, I am in prison somewhat.
: Its hard to describe how I feel
: but I would much rather have this
: plan and feel the way I do, than
: the other way, eating what I want
: and being almost bipolar, manic,
: funny energetic then angry moody
: ready to ( and often do) snap at
: the next person I see.

: So I am all about trying. I admit to
: using the food diary, which helped
: me observe myself more closely and
: the relationship to the food I
: eat. The most challenging was to
: add the correct amount of protein,
: so I would not get sleepy after
: eating. But found that eating too
: much protein or not enough brown
: foods, I would get edgy in a
: different way, very uncomfortable,
: irritable. Not a rage but
: something different.
: I am sure that the food diary will be
: a key to a successful next step of
: eating in other settings. But as I
: mentioned, its comfortable where I
: am, but not where I want to be.
: Now that my wife and kids are on
: board with the reality of this
: program, perhaps we together can
: do it. I keep thinking I am alone
: in this quest, so its nice to know
: others are in the same challenge
: of food obsession until
: understood.

: My daughter is 19, in college and
: living with us. My wife sees a lot
: of me in her. High energy, do
: anything or at least thinks she
: can, then crashes and sleeps thru
: a class. Unexplained anger at an
: inappropriate time or undeserving
: person. Not that anyone deserves
: it but at least have a reasonable
: situation to become upset.

: I cannot overstate how elated I am at
: being in control. In control of my
: temper. Of my binging. A true
: addiction. Nice to be free of
: that. So yes there is a fear to
: step farther into the water,
: Its like I'm saying "Im fine,
: right here, ankle deep in the
: ocean, yall swim all you want, Ill
: just enjoy watching."

: Now that I am open to posting my
: thoughts, I will slowly pursue
: some solutions. I am just not sure
: how to, YET. :s3(

: Thanks again for responding.
: Marion

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