Re: T is for Teachable & Textures/Tenacity

This is so interesting about texture making a difference. That's one of those nuances I would not have noticed and now I can because you shared. Yay. And it's true! My buckwheat breakfast was a texture nightmare. Lol it took a lot of tenacity to find a way to make it so the texture is pleasant. And it is more sustaining than when I eat oats that are a looser texture. Neato!


: Textures ! I was thinking of my
: superfoods over lunch and my mind
: kept going to textures.

: Like a lot of us I expect, I am very
: tuned in to textures and the feel
: of foods is really important to
: me. I suspect there is an aspect
: of good -for-me in there, the
: textures I love most are my
: superfood sustainers

: because journal shows me that for me
: solid egg yolks are more
: sustaining than runny. The denser
: fleshed fish are more satisfying
: for me.. Yet I'm happier with al
: dente vegetables than softer.
: Don't know why, but Its my
: textures signpost I have learned
: to trust

: I didn't used to take much notice
: apart from the textures I don't
: like. I was in too much of a hurry
: with food. Food was a worry, so I
: thought only in terms of volume or
: calories. I did think volume was
: the only way to fill that gap and
: felt perpetually hungry

: is such a pleasure now that
: everything I eat is not only tasty
: but a pleasure giving and
: satisfying textural adventure

: I think its one of those areas that
: being very sensitive turns round
: into an advantage. I am convinced
: I have amazing taste buds (
: another T !) I taste an incredible
: range..... perhaps I have a good
: palate like they say on the TV
: shows LOL ....and I know many
: people who simply aren't bothered
: by food..... its just 'there'. So
: this sensitivity = lucky, what a
: pleasure.

: Another thing that turns round most
: advantageously is Tenacity Ive
: always been tenacious. I admire
: all of us, we all are tenacious I
: think, , just to get by So its an
: amazing strength to give up the
: struggle and shine that innate
: tenacity onto the
: food
: :h7)

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