Re: V is for Vocation

one of your vocations has to be words Janice. The way you string them together always is inspiring and thought provoking for me :h11)

I spent many an hour wondering what my purposes are. One revelation lately has been.......... I love food, and food loves me :h4) That thing I spent so much of my life feeling scared about and ruled me. Its now a passion and pleasure. So good :h7)

: *sitting on the porch and watching
: the cardinals and blue indigos in
: the trees

: I think it would be so cool to have a
: vocation. A *calling* to do
: something that would make a
: positive difference in the world.
: I'm reading a book about someone
: who found her calling in a place
: she didn't expect. So it has me
: thinking.

: So what has this to do with Radiant
: Recovery? Doing the food has given
: me a baseline of stability where I
: can even think about such things.
: Before, I didn't I deserved to
: have any desires or ambitions.
: Everything had been pretty much
: sugar numbed right out of me. No
: desires, no passions, no ambition
: other than survival.

: So I'm hopeful. Perhaps it's not too
: late yet to find my vocation.

: janice

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