Going to a concert

*a Swainson's Hawk on top of a utility pole on our road
*my very happy dog so happy to see me this morning after not seeing me last night

Yesterday I had an opportunity to go to a concert featuring some bands from the 80s. The headliner was Billy Ocean. A friend's brother is the bass player in Billy Ocean's band, so the brother got me free tickets. I didn't find someone to go with, so I ended up going by myself. I've gone to concerts by myself before, so that didn't bother me.

I went out to eat with friends at 6 and had a big meal. Then I headed off to the concert. I had a great seat, pretty close to the stage. All the bands were good, but Billy Ocean was great, and people started dancing in the aisles. After the concert I stayed to say hello to my friend's brother and thank him for the tickets.

By the time I got home, it was almost midnight. I wasn't hungry when I got home. However, I should have eaten something before going to sleep. I slept through the night ok, but I woke up ravenous. This is something I know from past experience, but it's been a long time since I've stayed up that late, so I didn't think about it. I am making a note in my journal.

I woke up really tired. This is one of those times when you have to balance doing something fun with knowing that you are not going to feel great the next day. I generally don't push my body like this, but once in a while, it's worth it. If I did it often, I would not be able to stay balanced biochemically. Today I made sure to pack good food, including extra food in case my body needs it. Tonight I will make sure to go to bed at a reasonable hour. Tomorrow I should feel normal again, but I will continue to make sure I eat good meals with plenty of food that makes my body happy, and healthy fats