Re: Potato
In Response To: Re: Potato ()

: how are you feeling about your other
: steps Alex?

: I know when I first tried potato I
: was a bit adrift on 1 to 3 and it
: didn't do a thing for me.

: I did a revisit to step one and
: things were different then. I'm
: smiling a bit here as I could have
: eaten potato with butter and black
: pepper Anytime :h6) But I did then
: decide to look at my potato as
: more of a medicinal procedure if
: you like, rather than a food item.
: Having been motivated by
: potato-love rather than a how do I
: feel? thing :h6)

: I did have a really settled time with
: sweet potato. Just a few cubes.
: When I felt really confident with
: steps, any where any time, step
: four list was helpful to me with
: my assessing

: tell us about the rest of your steps
: if you like ? for instance,
: Favourite breakfast ? its handy to
: share ideas. :h5)

Hi Mosaic,

That is really helpfull and I was thinking of it too - not a food item, but as medicine..So a few little cubes will be ok? (I am not very big person). When I have 3 meals i am ok and relax, but when i am starting to think : "3 hours, after dinner, you shouldnt forget about it, so i become a little bit anxious :) But these days I started not to think about 3 hours, but just before bed, keep this in my head, and it became easier.

As for breakfast - it can be eggs with salad, also, as a porridge lover, I like any kind of it with tofu and veggies, so its a savoury one. I am not a big meat lover :)

Thanks for your kind assistance :h11)