venting about this darn injury

Since an injury about 18 months ago that never healed properly, I've been restricted in my movements. Despite daily rehab exercises, swimming when I can manage it, and trying to eat well, I've gained 60 lbs and I don't know how else to say, my body is just very sad about it. Every day I dream of someday running and dancing and hiking again.

Yesterday my body really, really wanted to run. I said, well body, you know we can't do that yet, but let's hit the gym and see what other exercises we can tolerate. I ended up doing a small class training session, modified cardio machines, and lots of stretching, for a total 90 minutes.

Oh how I loved all that movement! You know how after you get warmed up, things barely hurt at all. But once I cooled down I had to spend the rest of the day icing, resting, stretching, and ibuprofen-ing, and needed my old wheelchair just to go to the store. Kind of a predictable result, but I just couldn't stand being cooped up any longer.

The bright side was experiencing that I've still got a lot of ability. I'm just in need of additional rehab so I can do those things without pain or further injury. I REFUSE to believe anything other than full recovery is possible. I've been without health insurance for several months, so no doctor or therapist either. Finally I received the inch and a half of paperwork in the mail, so it looks like I'll get to choose a policy soon.

This has been a very frustrating and painful time for me. I'm quite grateful to have RR, both the steadiness that doing the food brings, and the support from all of you. Nice to know that no matter what else is going on in our lives, this program and community are here for us.

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