Re: Losing weight on step 1?
In Response To: Losing weight on step 1? ()


Like so many others mentioned, I also gained weight on step one. I'm only just on step 3 now (although I've remained on the step 1 list to keep snagging new ideas). I have noticed that some of the weight I gained in step 1 has come off in step 3.

I've felt frustrated at times because at some point in time after I started step 1, my husband--who is definitely not sugar sensitive--started Atkins. He's lost 15 pounds already. But here's the thing: Our sugar sensitive bodies can't maintain that. We have to go through that healing process, or we'll always be yoyo-ing.

Over the years, when my husband and I have gained a little here or there, he always says, "Yeah, but you can lose it just by cutting out the sugar. I have to actually work at weight loss." Oh how wrong that turned out to be! I could drop weight quickly, but it always came back. And now I know that in order to ever hope to manage it, I have to do this program.

Do you feel any better yet? That may be more of a measure of how well step one is working for you. But, as was mentioned, you may not notice it because of how gradual it is. You'll notice it if you mess up, though! Your body will tell you in no uncertain terms that it wants breakfast. ;-)

Best wishes,

: I'm just curious...I know it's not
: the goal. Have any of you found
: that you lost weight while working
: on step 1 or should I put that far
: out of my mind for now? I don't
: want to get too far ahead of
: myself but I would of course love
: to see weight loss, too.