E is for Eating

*sunny green morning after a stormy blowy night

Hi all,
Eating. It's such a basic thing. We have to eat to live but before starting to eat following the Radiant Recovery steps it was more like I lived to eat. Life was in large part about my next sugar fix. What would I eat, when would I eat it? Other "real" food was incidental. The goal was always the sweet finish.

I was a grazer and usually had candy in my pocket or purse. Step 3,Eating 3 meals a day with sugar at meals was the most challenging needless to say. I learned to start eating and stop. With that, the constant thought train of what will I eat quieted giving space in my brain for actually living my life. That is one of the unexpected benefits that is embedded in the process of working through the steps.

Doing the food makes space for discovering the life we want to live and living it.


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