J is for Journal and Justas

*kitty crouched ready to pounce when we come around the corner though instead of pouncing, she flops over

J is for Journal. Step 2. The way to find out what my body wants to tell me by recording when & what I eat and how I feel physically and mentally. I have had periods of steady journaling and longer periods of sloppy or absent journaling.

One of the reasons I did only step 1 for so long (see B is for Breakfast) was my resistance to the journal step. The quality of my journal is directly correlated to the quality of my program and steadiness. It helps me remember and stay focused, especially as I get older.

J is also for Justas, those "little" things I think I can get away with. Just a little slice of pizza, just a handful of trail mix etc. Vague or absent journaling and justas go hand in hand and egg each other on.

So this is a reminder to decide. To choose. Am I gong toward recovery or away from? Is that where I want to be going?


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