N is for Nuance

*going out before the storm to gather rose petals in a basket before they fall

Hi all,
I went to Living Chat tonight and one thing that came up was *nuance*. Such as the difference in breakfast with brown or no brown or breakfast before coffee or coffee first. Or the difference between eating breakfast 30 min after I get up or pushing to the edge of the hour. Or the difference between breakfast first thing and and breakfast at 30 minutes.

It's layers of noticing and keeping an accurate journal is key because the thing is, I am awful at noticing nuance. Mostly it goes right over my head. So I listen to Kathleen and others who can see nuance and say "oh, right, I do feel better if I eat straight away".

I also have trouble finding nuance in how I feel. I generally either feel good or bad. But once I've noticed something that might be a nuance I can start to find a more specific feeling. Kind of like a back door or maybe a side door to the room where feelings live.

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