Q is for Quest Ions

*the way the air outside smells, grass, pine trees, fresh turned dirt, roses

So I was spell checking a document this morning and the misspelling of questions gave *quest ions* as an alternate choice. Made me smile and start thinking about what a quest ion might be.

From my trusty Webster's: n. an electrically charged atom or group of atoms, the electrical charge of which results when a neutral atom or group of atoms loses or gains one or more electrons during chemical reactions, by the action of certain forms of radiant energy, etc.: the loss of electrons results in a positively charged ion (cation), the gain of electrons in a negatively charged ion (anion)

It's not a perfect analogy, lol, but what if the quest is for our best life? And our true self is the neutral atom and we became negative ions when we added in sugars and other addictions then become positive ions when we add the radiant energy of doing the steps.

Q is also for regular Questions because curiosity and asking questions is how we learn and get better.


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