How Sugar Sensitivity Can Affect Your Child

The 'crazy' duality in your child's life, what I call the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde syndrome, is a result of sugar sensitivity. Your child may feel crazy, but he is not. The problem is biochemical. It's not his fault and it is not your fault. If she is sugar sensitive, there are three things in her body chemistry that contribute to the 'crazy' feelings:
  • the level of sugar in her blood
  • the level of the chemical serotonin in her brain
  • the level of the chemical beta-endorphin in her brain

The Root of the Problem

An imbalance in the level of any one of these chemicals can bring about striking changes in the way your child feels or acts When all three are out of balance, it is almost impossible to isolate which one is making her feel so bad.

How Sugar Sensitivity Can Affect Your Child



Low Blood Sugar

Low Level of Serotonin

Low Level of Beta Endorphin

Tired all the time


Low pain tolerance

Tired for no reason


Tearful, reactive

Restless, canęt keep still

Short attention span

Low self-esteem


Blocked, scattered

Overwhelmed by othersę pain

Has trouble remembering

Flies off the handle

Feels isolated

Has trouble concentrating


Depressed, hopeless

Easily frustrated


Feels –done to” by others

More irritable than usual

Craves sweets

Craves sugar!

Gets angry unexpectedly

Craves mostly carbohydrates like bread, pasta and cereal

Emotionally overwhelmed



Optimal Blood Sugar


Optimal Level of Serotonin

Optimal Level
 of Beta-endorphin


Hopeful, optimistic

High tolerance for pain

Tired when appropriate

Reflective and thoughtful

Sensitive, sympathetic

Focused and relaxed

Able to concentrate

High self-esteem


Creative, focused


Has good memory

Able to think things through

Connected and in touch

Able to concentrate

Able to seek help

Hopeful, optimistic, euphoric

Able to solve problems effectively


Takes personal responsibility


Looks forward to desert a bit

Take-it-or-leave-it attitude towards sweet foods.


Hungry for healthy foods





If you change the food, the imbalance heals and the optimum levels bring those behavioral changes.

From Potatoes Not Prozac, ©Kathleen DesMaisons 1998