Hi {!firstname_fix}

Ok, first the update on the great mountain discussion. This has been absolutely fascinating to me. Some of you love this image beyond compare and think it is restful, holy and full of light. Others find it depressing, dark and gloomy. Many commented on how I might adapt it or what kind of image I might use. One person asked why am I using a mountain and not food.

So, let me share some more thinking. I am using a mountain because the story is bigger than food. I personally love this picture and feel it represents the best of what we are about. And, if it is evoking dark and gloomy for some of you, that is not good. So here is what I am going to do. I will wait for the light, and use my camera and create a new image for you. This may take a while. So we are keeping this one for now. If you find it gloomy while waiting, focus right below the little ® mark and it may be ok.

I am not adapting or *enhancing* the image. This picture is part of an exhibition of Geraint's work. He is one of New Mexico's leading photographers and I pleaded with him to use it on the site. We will collaborate on something for the future. Know that I am listening.

Ok, and I am still doing classes. I love classes. Come join us.

Step 1: The Art of Breakfast is the core foundation class. Learn how to deal with Step One and make it a joy.

Step 2: Journal: Skillful Use is the second of our Step 2 series. This is open to anyone who has completed the intro class. Come take those skills further.

Back to Basics 1 is your get back in the saddle after you succumbed to Thanksgiving calling you. This is a class for step 7 people who need to refocus, have fun and get support.

Recovery from Alcoholism is a wonderful support for folks looking at their drinking issues. Let me take you through evaluating how serious things are and creating a plan to get started.

Brain Chemistry: Serotonin
is one of our most fun brain chemistry classes. As we get closer to long winter nights, come learn why you get depressed and what to do about it.

You can see an updated schedule for the future by clicking here.

A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. The classes are done online with one lesson each day. You do not have to be at your computer at any set time.

Please feel free to pass this week's newsletter on to your friends and family. Don't forget to let me know what you like and would like to see me cover.

Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery® website and Community Forum regularly.



December 5, 2005
** Quote From Kathleen **

You don't have to work through your self-esteem and take care of feelings your whole life. You just do the food and the feelings will take care of themselves.


** Testimonial for the Week**

I really have come a long way, thanks for reminding me of that. Six months ago, before I started this program, a bad morning would have started at 4 pm because my kids and I were too strung out to get to bed any earlier than 7am! On those days I would eat a bagel for dinner, then a few bites of something reasonable and then graze on cola, cereal, and more bagels well into the next night and morning. Wow, and days like that happened several times a month!

These days a "bad morning" means I slept in to 9:30 am! That's amazing.

A year ago I tried to get my kids into the morning gymnastics but after a week I had to drop them out because I could not get up early enough to get them there by 10:30. Now I take them to gymnastics 4 days a week and three of those says the class starts at 9:30 am. They haven't missed a class yet. : )

This July my husband and I were seriously considering having me committed because I was so scared I was going to kill myself. He would sit up with me for hours listening to me cry and panic. And now I haven't thought about suicide in months. I don't even cry that much anymore.

Six months ago I kept a 1-800 abuse hotline number on my refridgerator because I was so terrified that I was going to lose it with my kids someday. Mealtimes were awful, but now I understand that they are HUNGRY and need to eat and that they are imbalanced if meals or snacks are late. It takes such a huge burden off of my identity as a "failure" of a mother. The poor things just couldn't function well on my crazy sleep and eating schedules. Now when I hear them fight I look at the clock and it's almost always always close to snack time or a meal time.

And I haven't started an argument with my hubby in months, when we used to argue constantly.

I know I did not just "will" any of those changes because I have been trying to "will" them for years. Years! Ok, the program is working for me, and it is going o keep getting better! And so far today I am on track and doing well.

Thanks all for your support and encouragement! I feel remotivated to keep at it!

Maggie in ND


**Recipe of the Week**

This is an all time comfort food and I just love it!

Kathleen's Macaroni and Cheese

4 servings

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cook pasta according to directions. Drain well and place in a 1 quart ovenproof mixing bowl.
  3. Add cheese to pasta. Combine well.
  4. Pour milk over pasta mixture.
  5. Bake 35-45 minutes, or until cheese sauce is bubbling and top of mixture is golden brown.


**Your Last Diet: More Than What You Think**

It's funny. YLD has changed a lot in the last year. I was just reading posts from the classes. The Foundation folks are so settled and funny. The Weight Loss folks are clear, focused, happy and making huge connections and the Weight Loss in Action people are so funny and functional it cracks me up. They report all sorts of things and then say, 'Oh yah, by the way I have lost another 15 pounds.' And you know they were not that way when they started.

How do I convey this stuff...lose weight, get a life, be funny, but not right away? Work hard, throw away every diet thought you have had, readjust your thinking and blow your mind. Heh heh, it is a little hard to make a sound bite.

But do make sure you get in before our next class series. This is too good to miss.

Join now for the class to begin in January.

For those of you who are not yet YLD members, click here if you are ready to change your life or just plain ole have fun.

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**David's Corner **

Number 1.....SHAKE in all forms is HERE in my possession!!!!! Thank you all for you patience and humor in a most stressful time for me. Order your regular shake or george jr. now and get it immediately.
Ok, so I need your help. Last week I was on the phone with Nordic Naturals and Kathleen got all excited about some of their new products. I was nervous about adding new products, but she assured me that you folks would LOVE them. Here is what we got:
Heart Synergy is a special formulation for people wanting to support heart health. I know Kathleen has been using the sample they sent us and said she likes it a lot.

ProEFA Junior is a great alternative for middle school aged children. Use the Kid's DHA for little ones and then move them to this one.

Cod Liver Oil for Pets is a new addition to our animal line. This will give you specific dosage information for both your dogs and cats. Kathleen gives this to all her dogs. They want the whole bottle but she is firm.

Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better.

And of course, we have something for everybody in our store

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**Our Online Groups**

Hi. I am Ann Margaret, the volunteer liaison for Radiant Garden. I found Radiant Recovery three years ago and it has been life-altering. I especially enjoy the Garden list because we have a really passionate group of people over there--people passionate about the program AND their gardens.

The list is for sugar-sensitive people who integrate or wish to integrate gardening into their radiant journey. This list is not meant to solve all of your gardening problems (the liaison is not a master gardener LOL); rather, the focus is on how gardening and related issues enhance our food programs and help us to connect with food sources beyond our own backyards. Some themes may include the radiant aspect of gardening, finding local produce, supporting sustainable agriculture, and managing all that bounty. There will be basic resources and links in the files section to help with specific gardening needs, but the conversation will move beyond. Come on over and play in the soil with us!

And BTW, you should see what we are doing in the winter, LOL.


** **
Sometimes It Is The Little Things
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

We ask people what has changed since they started the program. I think you will love this list as much as I do.

  • I don't have to go into the handicap stall in the public restrooms.
  • I can fit into almost any booth at restaurants.
  • I am no longer defensive about my eating habits.
  • I enjoy smells differently.
  • I have more energy.
  • I am able to love.
  • I feel God closer than ever.
  • I have lots of new friends.
  • I eat food for fuel.
  • I celebrate the real meaning of the holiday.
  • Just yesterday, I noticed that I have collar-bones.
  • I smile.
  • I wear two sizes smaller in shorts.
  • I love my husband unconditionally now.
  • I really LIKE looking at flowers.
  • I enjoy my granddaughter more every day.
  • The sunsets are more magnificent than ever.
  • I am able to listen in church with a calm understanding.
  • I appreciate the air.
  • I have been able to forgive.
  • I don't have swelling in my ankles and legs anymore.
  • My dogs don't aggravate me anymore.
  • I don't smother when I lay down.
  • My triple chin is now a double.
  • I marvel at the whole Creation.
  • I can think clearly.
  • I am not embarrassed to swim in front of anyone.
  • I no longer need a seat belt extender.
  • I only weigh when I feel a loss.
  • I thirst for knowledge and actually seek it.
  • I have let go of some of my perfectionism.
  • I no longer HAVE to have sugar after each meal.
  • I read EVERY food label.
  • I no longer beat myself up for a mistake, but go on learn about it.
  • I WANT to grow old.
  • I care more deeply for other people.
  • I get a pedicure now and then. (used to be a big hangup)
  • Negative control is not as strong as it used to be.
  • I crave those cool evenings relaxing in my porch swing.
  • I can fit in most wheelchairs.
  • I don't have to have the largest hospital gown anymore.
  • The birds chirping have become quite beautiful.
  • I love eating "YLD Healthy Foods".
  • I have become ONE with my local health food store.
  • I am proud to answer "those questions" about my food plan.
  • I love knowing that this programs works.
  • I love helping my family understand about fuel for their bodies.
  • I can hardly wait until the Christmas Season.
  • I look at professionals w/admiration, instead of a threat.(hugehangup)
  • I care about my fingernails.
  • I am much more organized in my housekeeping.
  • I park farther from the store.
  • I hum a lot.
  • I WANT to exercise.
  • I have learned it is ok to set goals.
  • I no longer consider myself on a diet, but I am on a LIFE PLAN.
  • The sun seems brighter.
  • I can ASK for help without the guilt.
  • I can see my feet when I stand or lie down.
  • I no longer expect myself to fail with my weight loss.
  • I can tie my shoes with out cutting off my oxygen supply.
  • I can also tie my shoes in the middle of my shoe instead of to the side.
  • I can say "no".
  • I crave green things and feel good about it!
  • I like cottage cheese.
  • Fresh air makes me feel alive.
  • I can cut my own toenails.
  • I can wear a smaller bra size.... smaller panties too.
  • I have so much more energy.
  • I have less PMS.
  • I don't worry about what people think about me.
  • I don't feel helpless anymore. Even if things are not going my way or I have a slip, I know that I can help myself.
  • Cinnamon is delicious without sugar.
  • Corn is sweet.
  • I wake up in the morning now (no more "10 snooze" mornings!).
  • I don't hide "forbidden food" all over the house anymore.
  • I don't sneak the wrappers out of the house so my husband doesn't see the evidence of last night's binge anymore.
  • I wear shorts because I like my legs even though they haven't made it to their full recovery yet.
  • I can fall asleep when I go to bed.
  • I can play with my children after dinner since I no longer feel comatose from eating huge white meals.
  • I feel *whole*, steady and real.
  • I feel.
  • I'm just plain happy and I can't put my finger on it.
  • Things that would have freaked me out before don't anymore.
  • Three months ago my protein was in my ice cream, wasn't it?
  • I've figured out that this is about life changes, not just about food.
  • I realize my life has more out of whack in it than just food".
  • After fighting exercise and the journal so long, they have become incredibly important to me. Feel frantic if I've left my journal home.
  • The journal is my home.
  • am a size smaller but have only lost a few pounds.
  • The "girls" (my chest) are a size smaller.
  • I love shopping at the health food store. Shoppers are so much nicer there than at sugar stores.
  • I've gotten used to packing two meals a day.
  • I am very slowly gaining confidence in handling the feelings that the bingeing covered. Feelings really won't kill me, they do pass and generally teach me something. Sometimes the journal helps me catch feelings before I binge them temporarily away.
  • I have finally taken responsibility for my own life after feeling abandoned by others.
  • I no longer feel suicidal about turning 50 this Nov. Sometimes I feel that my life is just starting.
  • I have reduced my anti-depressants by 25% in agreement with my doctor.
  • I don't feel dirty, worthless and physically ill from bingeing nearly as much.
  • My office no longer does doughnut runs every afternoon. The communal chocolate drawer is gone. I don't miss either.
  • My food slips are more often portion explosions that sugar/white binges.
  • I think my fist is shrinking. (HA!)
  • I have returned to my art hobby and am having a blast.
  • I'm not afraid of going to a family reunion this Sept much heavier than the last reunion.
  • I don't go shopping now unless I really NEED something. I think I used to go shopping to feel better (raise by BE's).
  • My PMS symptoms have almost vanished.
  • I actually enjoy wearing pants with a zipper.
  • My migraines are gone - along with much of my fibromyalgia pain.
  • I don't feel like I'm hanging on to life with my fingertips any more - I have a much firmer grasp - and it's good!!!
  • I've gone through really tough times and had the clarity of mind to make wise and thoughtful decisions.
  • I don't apologize for making my food needs known - I've gotten REALLY good in resturants (remember how Meg Ryan ordered in the movie "When Harry met Sally"?)
  • I have reduced the amount of alcohol easily and don't crave it like I used to.

©Kathleen DesMaisons 2005.

Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:

Gretel, the liaison for the recovery list and the webmaster puts it all together
Naomi, liaison for big ones gathers the recipes
JoAnna, the liaison for affiliates gathers the testimonials
Marie, the liaison for diabetes gathers the info on the online lists
David, who runs the Radiant Recovery® Store talks about what new products we have.

You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter.htm.

©2005 by Kathleen DesMaisons . All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered and use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®. Please visit Kathleen's website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction." Please notify me at kathleen@radiantrecovery.com to let me know where the material will appear.

Banner Photograph by Geraint Smith