Hi {!firstname_fix}

It is starting to be warm in the daytime in NM. And the birds are going through all the feeders in one day. Don’t they know that more is coming, LOL? Seems like my overview was helpful for you last week. Thank you for all the feedback.

This week I thought I would say a little more about the whole *consult with Kathleen* option. We have struggled some with the logistics of this. Those are settled now, so we will be shortly caught up with your inquiries. Some of you have asked me when is it appropriate to make an appointment. And what is the difference between a consult and a short *ask Kathleen* email? And do I see people here in Albuquerque? And do I do ongoing sessions? And will I do less than an hour at a time? Can two people talk to me in the same session? What about follow up?

So let’s go through this a bit. It turns out that Miss Pepper (my golden) is in fact pregnant, so I will be in NM for the summer being a puppy mom. This is to your advantage because I will be able to schedule more easily. Here are the answers:

  1. Appointments work really well if you have some complex questions to sort out. Perhaps you are trying to see how to do the food with your medications, or you are working out a taper with your doctor and want to see how the food will support that. Perhaps you are dealing with multiple addictions like sugar and caffeine and drugs or alcohol and are just not sure how to start. Perhaps you are making a decision about entering treatment for an eating disorder and would like some help in figuring out your choices. Or perhaps your son or daughter is out of control and you want another set of ears to sort out what to do. And then of course, if you having been trying to work out a good plan and you are just stuck, then a consult with me is ideal.

  2. In addition, I do special support packages. We do an assessment and then you call once a week to check in for a half hour to stay on track. I help you plug into the resources of the community and guide you in the tempo of your progress.

  3. You may just be stuck and honestly not know what to do and just need my expertise in helping you find the way.

  4. And many times people will use the *ask Kathleen* to get a sense of whether a full consult is appropriate or needed, It is also a great way to just sort out a quick question.

    The process? You go to the Make Connections link on the Radiant Recovery home page and click on the Consult with Kathleen link. All the instructions are there. You fill out an assessment form and email that back and then send 4 days of your food journel either by email or fax. You fill out the request form and then call for a time. I have given Daivd my schedule, so if he is the only one here, he can schedule you in. I hope this helps clarify.

We will be starting these classes this week of June 11, 2007. Please note that the classes start on Wednesday - usually in the evening after we have gotten everyone in. Please click on the name of the class you wish to join and it will take you to the registration page:

Using the Resources of the Community is for those of you who are brand new and would like to find your way around town. Come sit on the top of our double decker bus for a guided tour. And even if you are not brand new, this is a really fun class to reconnect with all the treats of the community.

Brain Chemistry: Serotonin is one of our most popular brain chemistry classes. It helps you make sense of why the potato works, why you have a problem in the winter and how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can play into this. If you munch in your mind, if you are depressed or edgy or feel sad, this is the class for you. Also if you are struggling with Bulimia, this class will really help you put the chemistry of it together.

Step 2: Journaling: Skillful Use is the next level of journaling. This is for those of you who know *how* and want to learn *what* to do with your data. This class shows you how to interpret what you have written in an exciting and pragmatic way. This class is for folks ready to take their journaling to a new level. If you are consitently filling out your journal and are ready for interpretation, come join us

These classes will begin the week of June 18, 2007. Please click on the name of the class you wish to join and it will take you to the registration page:

Step 6: Planning Your Detox is the class if you are getting ready for your detox from sugar. This will help you get a plan in place and go through it with minimal stress.

YLDweightlossreadiness is the introduction to the YLD weight loss series. It is a very focused way to get your foundation sorted and in place. We have lots of fun, can help you calm down and know just what to do to start your way to losing weight.

The class schedule is on line. Click here to see what is planned. Please do not sign up for classes that are not yet scheduled.

A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. The classes are done online and you do not have to be at your computer at any set time. It does not matter whether you are in the US, Europe, the Far East or Australia, you simply respond on your own time. And although I advertise that the classes are one or two weeks, sometimes we are a little flexible and they may run longer.

And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum.

Please feel free to pass this week's newsletter on to your friends and family. Don't forget to let me know what you like and would like to see me cover.

Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery® website and Community Forum regularly.



June 11, 2007
** Quote From Kathleen **

Resting when you are tired might seem like an outrageous idea, but learning to take care of your body is the focus of your path to recovery.


** Testimonial for the Week**

Patti, Step 7, Movement

For me, Jeff, the time at ranch when we sorted by our time on the program felt like one continuous thread. I was once in the middle of the pod, a beginner, and there was a Step 7 protective strong pod around me. Now I get to be in the outside pod. I felt grateful. Grateful for the connectedness of all of us. It reminds me of a poem I wrote once that talks about sometimes we give and sometimes we receive; we do both. I can give and yet in giving I receive. I don’t feel like a super hero, I just feel like someone who has traveled the road before and gained some experience, strength, and hope, and that is what I share. It was a touching experience.


**Radiant Kitchen**

By Naomi Muller, Step 7, author of Nutritious and Delicious Cookbook.

Many of us just love crock pots! It is super easy to put all the ingredients into one pot and have it cook while we do other things and presto - dinner is ready before we know it. I think crock pots (or slow cookers) are a great tool for the kitchen. Here is a recipe for that crock pot from my cookbook.

  • 1 1/2 lb. pepper steak (thinly sliced beef chuck, fat removed)
  • 2 T. olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1/2 tsp. salt (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
  • 1/4 c. soy sauce (check the label!)
  • 1 c. fresh bean sprouts
  • 1 c. canned tomatoes, cut up
  • 2 green peppers, seeded and cut into strips
  • 1/2 c. fresh mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 T. cornstarch
  • 2 T. cold water
  • 4 green onions, sliced
Brown the steak in the oil either in a skillet or in the slow cooker if you can saute in it. If you used a skillet, transfer the steak into the crock pot. Combine garlic, salt, pepper and soy sauce and pour over the steak. Cook on low for 6 - 8 hours. Turn the control to high. Add bean sprouts, tomatoes, green peppers and mushrooms. Dissolve cornstarch in water, stir into the pot. Cover and cook on high 15-20 minutes or until thickened. Sprinkle with green onions and serve over brown rice.


**Your Last Diet: More Than What You Think**

YLDonline is a membership program run directly by Kathleen DesMaisons herself.

Weight loss is rocking. I love what is happening on chats. It feels really energized and exciting to me. If you are thinking about joining YLD, this is a great time. We will be starting the new introductory class shortly.

If you are not a YLD member, come and join us. Click here if you are ready to change your life or just plain ole have fun.

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**Radiant Recovery Store **

David manages the Radiant Recovery Store. He is also Kathleen’s oldest son.

Thought I'd share that Alex blended up 6g of George Jr with chocolate almond milk and then she said it wasn't a good temperature. I told her we could cool it down with ice or heat it up. She liked the idea of hot chocolate, so we heated and she LOVED it. Hooray! Now, I need to go and find some more almond milk and she says she'll keep adding more George Jr until she gets up to the right amount. Thanks for all the ideas and support!


Emily, like most of our parents has learned that George’s® Jr. is a key choice in helping your kids do the program. Let me set you up on a subscription and you will always have it on hand.

And if you haven’t gotten the 2007 Ranch CD set yet, order it now. It is simply the best thing Kathleen has done. I love it, everyone who hears it loves it and you will too.

Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better.

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**Our Online Groups**

Hi, I'm Heather the liaison for Radiant Eating Disorders list (or RadiantED as we call it). This list is set up to provide support for those suffering from anorexia and bulimia. We've found amazing success with healing eating disorders with Radiant Recovery, and having a special place to talk about it has made it only better. We talk about things like restricting, perfectionism, body image, and share our woes and successes. If you have tendencies towards anorexia or bulimia we'd love to have you join us and see what a supportive group we are!

Or come to the group page to see all our groups. http://www.radiantrecovery.com/list_serves.htm


**Thyroid Function**
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

There are a few other issues that are important to factor into your plan. Sometimes your metabolism doesn’t heat up because your thyroid levels are low or are imbalanced. Often many of us hope that out thyroid is low so all we have to do is take a pill and watch the weight drop off. I had a tubby, depressed dog with very low thyroid. The vet prescribed medication and six weeks later she was a different pooch. She lost eight pounds. Her coat was sleek and full and her energy was streaming. We all yearn for such a magic pill! We hope it will be as simple as the thyroid being off, so we can take pills and get fixed. And you know as well as I do, there is no quick fix. However, it is always important to check your thyroid if you have some of the symptoms.

Another complex story

I read a lot and soon discovered that the world of thyroid is confusing, complicated and contradictory. It is surely hard to make informed, clear decisions about your own thyroid health because so much of it is so hard to understand. This section will outline the basics for you. If you want a very in-depth and substantive discussion, read Arem’s The Thyroid Solution. It is clear, well written and substantive.

In this discussion, I simply want to introduce you to some of the issues. At the most basic level, the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that control many of the functions of the body. If it isn’t working properly and your thyroid levels are low (called hypothyroidism), you can become depressed, gain weight, feel sensitive to cold, have dry skin and lose hair, to name just a few. There is a great deal of disagreement about whether these things are attributed to low thyroid. My approach is to simply work with the different voices to try to sort out what is right for you. I find that looking at a “pattern” of symptoms is helpful. If you discover that you have many of these symptoms and have not had your thyroid checked, it is an option to explore.

Weight Gain and Depression

The two symptoms that many of us are most concerned about are weight gain and depression. We can be doing “everything right” and not be losing weight or feeling bleak. When we are not doing anything, we assume that we just have to do it “right” and things will work. If we are working a diligent and committed program and we aren’t losing weight and we still feel the darkness walking with us, then it's thyroid diagnosis time. First of all, go through this list of the symptoms of low thyroid function and see if they fit your profile:
  • Dry hair or skin
  • ncreasing menstrual flow
  • Brittle nails
  • Cold intolerance
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Dry Eyes
  • Shortness of breath when exercising
  • Weight gain disproportionate to diet
Many if us have had our thyroids tested only to be told that the lab values are “normal.” This makes things even worse. Often the lab report is given with one more medical message of “If you would just…. (Insert whatever is the particular choice of your health care person), you could lose the weight.” The hopelessness of this position is something that many of us, including me, have gone through.

How The Thyroid Works

I am going to show you how the thyroid system works, where things can go wrong and how to work with your Doctor to discover if thyroid function is a part of your problem. There are a number of actors, a number of costumes and a number of scripts in the thyroid story. It is very complex. Medline lists more than 85,000 citations on thyroid issues. Because of this, people generally choose a particularl part of the story that is understandable to them. I am convinced that we need to understand the whole picture. It is important to see the interconnections. If you are trying to solve things by only working with one piece of the story, you will stay unbalanced. It is just like the sugar sensitive story. If you only do blood sugar and not serotonin, and not beta-endorphin, you won’t get balanced.

Thyroid is the same way. Now I surely don’t have all the answers for you. Nor am I an expert on thyroid. But I can help you ask the right questions and I can show you how to see the pieces more easily.

Here are the players:

TRH – This is thyroid releasing hormone. It is made in the hypothalamus and has two primary jobs. It starts the process of making iodine and then after the thyroid gland does its thing, TRH tells the glad to squirt the release of the hormone into the blood.

TSH – This is thyroid stimulating hormone. It monitors how much thyroid is circulating in the blood and then instructs the thyroid gland to make more or less depending on the levels. If you thyroid gland is producing too little, your level of TSH goes up. An elevated level of TSH would tell us that your thyroid “production” is low. TSH needs iodine, selenium and zinc to do its job.

T4 and T3 are the two actual hormones made by the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones are made when the body combines some molecules of iodine with some molecules of the amino acid tyrosine to make hormone. Yah gotta have the iodine and the amino acid for it to work. If you live in an area where there is little iodine available, or if you have few foods that contain iodine, your thyroid will struggle to make the hormone. When it struggles for a long time, you thyroid gland gets bigger, a condition called a goiter.

Your body converts T4 to T3 by the action of a specific enzyme. Usually your body will have thirty times more T4 than T3, but it is the T3 that acts most dramatically on the cellular level. If the enzyme doesn’t work properly, your body won’t be converting T4 properly. There has been some discussion that toxins in your life may interfere with the conversion process. Either T3 is not produced adequately or something called reverse T3 is made. And reverse T3 doesn’t do the job at the cellular level.

Your body needs adequate T3 at the cellular level. Certain cells, called mitochondria, burn oxygen for energy. If they don’t burn properly, you don’t have energy and you don’t create the heat that burns fat. If T3 isn’t getting to the mitochondria, you will be tired and fat. It is also interesting that the highest percentage of mitochondria are found in brown fat cells – the place in our fat responsible for turning up the thermostat when we are cold.

Receptor Functioning

Thyroid is a hormone that works by going and sitting in a receptor site. The action of hormones is very much like the action of the neurotransmitters you are so familiar with. When the thyroid sits in the receptor, its message is sent to the cells. There are a number of things that can interfere with the thyroid working at the receptor site. Some drugs interfere with the action (steroids, barbiturates, beta-blockers, and cholesterol lowering drugs and birth control pills). So your thyroid system might be working fine but the hormone can’t get into the cell to do its job.

Sometimes during menopause, estrogen levels spike up (the infamous power surge). Too much estrogen can block thyroid absorption. This is why many women’s metabolism can slow down at menopause.

There are also some foods that interfere with thyroid production. Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, turnips and broccoli can do this. Now, this does NOT mean you should avoid these foods. But if you are eating HUGE amounts of them, you will want to be aware of this effect and a factor it in.


Finally, your body may decide it doesn’t like its own thyroid and start eating it up. This is an autoimmune disorder called thyroiditis. If your body is eating its own thyroid, there won’t be enough to do the job. Your tests will appear normal because everything is being produced properly. Unless you test for the markers of the thyroiditis called antibodies, you may think that your thyroid is “normal” and not understand why you feel so badly. Increasing your levels of omega 3 fatty acids can help with auto immune reactions.

Let’s go back over the variables that are operating in this story. As you read them, you will see how complex the system is. And, more difficult, is the fact that it is almost impossible to pinpoint exactly where a problem may lie.

Does your system have what it needs to make thyroid hormones? [Tyrosine (coming from protein), Iodine, Zinc, Selenium and Vitamin A]

Is the iodine and tyrosine being taken up properly to make the hormone?

Does the TRH/TSH feedback loop work? Is it in balance? Are the TRH/TSH levels appropriate for your system?

Is the thyroid gland producing what it is supposed to?

Is the T4 converting to T3 properly?

Is the thyroid binding properly? Is anything going on to interfere with the binding?

Is the T3 working at the mitochondria level to demand increased oxygen consumption?

Is the thyroid hormone available for use or are thyroid antibodies eating it?

What to do?

If you feel that low thyroid or thyroid imbalance may be affecting you, Start by asking your doctor to order a thyroid panel. Be sure to insist that the panel include the thyroid antibody test.

Because the thyroid hormone regulates metabolism, your body temperature can be an indication of low levels of thyroid function. Get a basal thermometer at the drug store and measure your body temp every morning for a week. A basal thermometer is a special kind of thermometer that allows you to see more of the normal range of body temperature. It doesn’t work for measuring fever since it is calibrated to measure from 96 to 99 degrees only. Shake it down the night before. Then put the thermometer under your arm for ten minutes before you get up in the morning (you can go back to sleep). The basal thermometer will show your temp much more clearly than a regular thermometer.

Record what your temp is on a graph so you can see the fluctuations. If your basal resting temperature in under 970, it is possible that your thyroid is not working properly. When you ask your doctor to test your thyroid, she may only test the TSH levels. If they come back normal, your doctor may tell you that you do not have a thyroid problem. If your temperature is low, insist that more complete tests be done.

As you attempt to sort this out, you may find yourself in an interesting position with your doctor. He may tell you that your T4 levels are normal and to stop worrying about it. Or on the other end of the scale, she may have you measure your basal temperature, find that it is low, and then prescribe thyroid supplementation without any further diagnostic tests. Either one of these is incomplete. Your job is to become more and more informed. Read The Thyroid Solution and learn the questions to ask. Get more information so you can understand the meaning of your tests and you can be in charge of your own healing.

©Kathleen DesMaisons 2007.

Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:

Gretel, the liaison for the recovery list and the webmaster, puts it all together
Naomi gathers the recipes.
David, who runs the Radiant Recovery® Store talks about what new products we have.

You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter.htm.

©2007 by Kathleen DesMaisons . All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered and use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®. Please visit Kathleen's website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction." Please notify me at kathleen@radiantrecovery.com to let me know where the material will appear.

Banner Photograph by Patti Holden, Step 7