August 22, 2011

Hi {!firstname_fix}

I have spent a week back in Maine on Vinalhaven. Time slows down and is marked by the tide and the movement of the seagulls who come in when the fog shifts. Yesterday the scent of just-cut grass and the sea flowed over me like a wash when we can back from town. I did not bring my computer, just this iPad that allows some connection to my other life. I have been writing with my fountain pen on a yellow pad. It connects me to writers everywhere who are doing word by word.

This class will begin Thursday, August 25, 2011. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:

Looking At All Those Diets (2 weeks) is a class to come and discern whether the latest (or the most classic) diet will or will not work for you. Bring your favorites and we will deconstruct them together. Please note that of course my bias is that diets are not particularly useful in healing sugar-sensitive people, but I think it is good that you get to really understand the thinking.

This class will begin Wednesday, August 31, 2011. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:

Step 1 (2 weeks) is our foundation class to get you started. Learn all four parts of step 1 in a structured way. Learn how to progress through them with enjoyment. Let us support getting your program off to a fabulous start.

The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned.

A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum.

Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly.



** Quote From Kathleen **

As you learn to handle new situations, as you learn to recover from a slip you will become smarter and savvier each time.


** Testimonial of the Week **

I am intrigued by the substance of last night's conversation. Specifically, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Kathleen's idea that I am a "skilled addict." ( I was remembering how a thousand years ago I took better care of my cigarettes than I did my money or my cars and how I would plan and execute where and how I was going to smoke.) I think I learned valuable "life skills" faster than my peers because my addictions were immediate and would not wait. I learned that I could side-step the rules because I figured out ways (skill) around them and then learned how to manipulate people into thinking they had the problem. I associated anything with addictive behavior as "bad" or "weak" until I started to think about them differently last night.

Thinking that these "addict skills" serve me well now was a bit of a stretch.....however, yes, I can see how I take real good care of my lettuce (wash, dry wrap in paper towel, store it) because I need it to be fresh and crispy or I get cranky-pants. There is always a chicken drumstick, pot roast or chunks of organic turkey in the refrigerator...'cause there is no other way to live well now. I take inventory of food stocks in my home like it natural as I breathe, but it has taken time to "switch out" the motivation behind the behaviors.

When my Father lay dying in the hospital this past December, I got the call at 9:30 p.m. to come quickly. I dressed, grabbed the lunch I had prepared for Monday, some extra sweetpot pies and lots of water and drove 60 miles north, but he was gone when we got family was in shock...I ate my egg salad sandwich, slices of organic apple sweetpot pies and sat with my Mom and held her hand. Over the last few months my sibling's drama has unfolded, while I just continued to unfold my napkins. They began smoking, drinking and being mean, I cleaned up the family finances, cooked beef short- ribs and joined the local gym. Suffice to say, the only thing that stood between me and chaos was doing the food, which took a boat-load of "addict skill turned professional."

Today, I have been taking a "skills inventory" of sorts. It doesn't matter to me what I used to use the old "addict skill" for since these same skills have a brand new set of clothes and they appear sharp and bright and fascinating to touch. I am allowing my chest to fill up with the thoughts that support the hunter/gatherer in my soul, except now my hunt is for organic berries, beef jerky w/salt, organic roast beef, fresh summer flounder with homemade coleslaw and some light wind to sail by. I think some shame has also floated away once I was able to see my "addict skill set" as worthy. It's like the Wizard of OZ.... always having the power to go home....and she never knew she had that skill until someone told her and she was able to re-direct her energy. Thanks Kathleen for re-directing my energy.



** Radiant Ambassadors **

Teresa gave us some wonderful ideas of what she has been doing to spread the word. I thought I'd share one of her posts as it's chock-full of ideas:

I have never ordered the cards before. I just had an idea myself. I have been selling off a lot of my old self-help books on ebay and I was thinking I could add in a card in the parcel.

Maybe also leaving it as a book mark in library books, or ones I leave in the charity shop.

I love the thought that maybe even one person may get something from it.

In general conversation I have not had much success in talking about RR. I did give my old PNP and SARP to someone I know who I mentioned the programme to. I find it hard to know if someone would be interested to hear about this. I do people-watch sometimes, particularly at school pick-up time when we are stuck in a traffic queue. Occasionally there is someone whose behaviour comes across as unbalanced ss. For the most part, though, I find it hard to know if people share my ss traits.

I think being further along in the programme makes a big difference. I can imagine people may 'notice' and ask questions for themselves. I know I will be more than willing to explain RR to them. (smile).


Come join us if you are excited about spreading the news.


** How I Found Radiant Recovery **

Hi, my name is Angie and I live in beautiful Colorado. I have two grown children and one grandson.

I stumbled onto PNP while researching cravings as related to menopause. Dr. Christiane Northrup recommended the book in her book. I am working step two. Weight loss is a life-long struggle for me that began in childhood.

I am excited about this adventure. Cheers


** Radiant Recovery® Store **

David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son.

As you are planning for fall, think about setting up a subscription for your favorite things from the store. Give me a call at 505-345-3737 and talk with me about what will work best for you.

Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better.


** Radiant Kitchen **

Yam Cakes

I bake a bunch of large yams all at once, slip them out of the skins, and freeze in 3 Cup containers. (I use sweet potatoes a lot, LOL — not just for yam cakes!)

When I’m ready to make yam cakes I thaw a 3-cup container of sweet potato, add a bit of water and warm slightly in the microwave, then mash them. I use a hand held potato masher, but you could use a food processor or whatever suits you.

I add 3 cups of quick-cooking rolled oats, 1 cup of Restore protein powder and 1 cup of PB. I also add some more water, about 1/3-1/2 of a cup (I used a total of 1/2 cup of water), to get a sticky, goopy, but partly pourable consistency. Press into a lightly greased 9 X 13 pan and bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Cool and cut into 32 squares. Store in fridge or freezer. My math showed that 5 squares had about a one cup serving of brown and about 19 grams of protein.

Elaine in CO

For more great program-friendly recipes, check out our cookbook in the store and visit our online Radiant Recipes site.


** Radiant YLD **

Well, I do have scale information but I haven't got on them for 2 weeks. I am better not having a regular weigh, just when I feel like it randomly is best. I also like thinking in half stones, etc. because it doesn't tie me up in numbers.

But my jeans and I are on a different walk, I walk and they scootle round my waist. I can also take them off without unbuttoning them or undoing the zip, which you didn't need to know really, but I take it as clothing feedback.

First amazing thing is I have never consistently done anything like this longer than 3 days perhaps.

The second amazing thing is that my 10:10 has turned into a 15:15. I suppose I had to be open to the idea, but it's down to Jim (thanks) for introducing something I could handle. And Jenny for the 90/90, along with all the other 90ers.

I have quite a list of good things: alert, sleeping well, clear writing in journal, walk is tidy and proud not scribbled, bit more energy. Major attitude transplant with actually wanting to do a daily walk, which for me as a sofa-reading-snooze-lover is just amazing.

My leg muscles, quads, feel a bit more toned (toned and me are words that have never been said together) which is good for my kneecaps, which I *think* may not be pinching so much upstairs. I am really liking Verla's knee news and full of admiration for all your work.

I'm aiming to keep it up till the 90 when some of this may have stuck. I like to peek into YLD now and again and see all the other 90ers as I like all this intention energy.


If you would like to join, come find us here


** Radiant Conversations **

We have a new portal for the Conversations program. Come check it out here.

What do we talk about? Hmmm. Let's see. Here is one topic. It's a little hard to explain because the energy is so synergistic. But this will give you an idea.

I love what happens to my body when I step into the flow.

Makes sense actually, if the flow is grace. When I step in, my body *feels* graceful.

If you would like to join us, you can do that below.

Join YLD Weight Loss Now: click here - $99

Join Conversations 2011 Now: click here - $99

Join Both YLD and Conversations Now: click here - $149

Current YLD members wish to Upgrade to Both, click here - $49

Current YLD members who wish to Transfer to Conversations 2011 Only can do so for a $14.99 admin fee: click here

If you are not a member, come and join us if you want to be a part of the latest and greatest or just have some plain ol' fun!


** Our Online Groups **

Radiant Abundant Program on Less is a specialized group for people wanting to do the Radiant Recovery® program with limited funds. This list supports doing the program abundantly with learning to find creative resources and building skills that enable us to do much more with our programs, with less. We have some people in this group that are very skilled in doing a lot of program on a shoestring budget, that love sharing how it's done - while having fun in the process too.

"When I first started the program it was with an extremely small amount of money for food; and I didn't think I could build a strong program and experience such deep healing without spending a lot, but then found that it truly can be that way.. and really doesn't have to be hard. I also had never imagined I could ever love what I eat so much or feel such abundance and richness on my table like I do!"


If you are afraid you can't do the program with a low income, would like to share in how to do more food with less, want to do some concrete problem solving and/or explore how to build the most powerful breakfast and program with limited funds, we will love to help. Please come join us.

Or come to the group page to find the one that will best support your program:


**I Have Been Trying Step 2 for Two Years **
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

Last week, we had a number of conversations in the community about how long the steps should take. People were sharing about not being able to move beyond journaling. As usual, there was a lot of encouragement and support. As a group, we are kind. We care about one another; we listen and hold one another up.

But, today, I am going to add another perspective. I am going to challenge you. If you want to be healed, you need to take action. Nodding at the idea but not acting will never heal you. Addiction has you by the throat. It has its icy hands around your heart. It is stealing your life.

Support will help. But sometimes kindness helps to keep you stuck. Sometimes a greater kindness will say, “If you want what we have, do what we do.” Feeling miserable about your life and doing nothing means that things will not change.

Sugar sensitives have a hard time committing. Usually we wait until it is really, really bad to take action. This is natural. Our unbalanced biochemistry tilts us in the direction of spinning and being stuck. Sugar makes us immobile. Sugar saps our spark and dilutes our motivation. It deflects intention. And if we just “wait” for it to get better, we will wait a lifetime.

At some point, healing requires commitment. It demands saying, “I will do what it takes to get well.” It means that our intention overrides the sugar effect. It means that we actually “do” the journal. Even though it is hard and requires paying attention. We stop flapping and we start focusing. We stop saying, “You know, I have ADD, this is too hard for me” and we say, “What do I need in order for this to work.”

When you make this commitment, you come to the lists, to the forum with a different frame of reference. What is there to learn? Who can guide you? This community has the most extraordinary people in it. People who are skilled and competent with the program. People who have been where you are and are not there now.

Ask for help. Rather than staying stuck, commit. If you do not know what to do, say so. And then LISTEN. Here is an example…

Someone comes to me and says, “Kathleen, my life is overwhelming, my sugar is out of control, I cannot find my way, I am in pain, I don’t know what to do. Will you help?”

I say, “Eat breakfast.”

“Oh, I do that already. I was been doing Atkins for 5 years. I just can’t get the journal down.”

“Do you eat within a hour of getting up?”

“Well, most days. Well, some days. But I am really busy. I have 4 kids and it is a rush to get everyone off to school.”

“Are you getting enough protein?”

“Well, of course. I have 2 eggs every morning.”

So I wait. I figure this is a person who is not ready. She goes on the forum and starts talking about the kids and the stress and her life and not being able to journal. She gets suggestions about the journal and for every one there is a reason why that can’t work for her.

I have been called “harsh” because I am demanding. I have been called insensitive because I do not get caught in the swirl of the kids and time and the job and the “stuff.” I have been told I do not understand how hard it is. I have been accused of being curt because I don’t get into a long discussion about how hard it is.

How hard it is does not matter. Of course it is hard. If it were easy, we would have all healed many years ago. Sugar addiction is nasty. It takes commitment and courage. It takes willingness. But you do not have to do it alone, or by white knuckling it. Ask for help and then listen. Follow instructions. Do the steps. One at a time. In order. With enough time for your body to integrate the pattern. Accept that there is a reason, a very powerful one, that they are in the order they are. Consider that someone might know something more than you do about how to heal this nasty stuff. Be outrageous and consider that the people who have gone before you really, truly do have something to offer you.

Ask for guidance rather than hugs. And then commit. Whatever it takes. And watch the miracle unfold. Your body will change. Your spirit will change. Your life will change. Beyond anything you could ever have imagined.

But it won’t happen if you stay stuck for 2 years.

Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:

Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together.
David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store.
Selena provides the weekly Ambassadors column.

©2011 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction.

You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www.