Welcome to Radiant Recovery®
January 28, 2017

Hi, {!firstname_fix},

Last week, I welcomed all of you who had come over as a result of the Annie column. I got a lot of email from people who had not read it, so I will post it at the bottom of the newsletter so everyone can be in on the good news.

I am glad so many of you enjoyed the C57 article from last week. I have put the second part in the article section.

You may wonder what I am doing with the pictures at the top :). I am just testing to see what has an effect on your opening the newsletter.

Let's continue with our regular announcements....

Looks like the seminar in Sarasota was not something you are interested in so I am going to go ahead and cancel it. I will just go down for a wee bit of warmth and sand.

I am working on some very interesting research on ginger. Look for more on that soon.
 Support for Your Program

Share with others, ask questions, explore everything and anything about your program without a charge..

Learn the steps, get fit safely, learn creative program cooking, learn about depression, learn with other men, learn with parents, share in local areas. There is no charge for groups.


There will be no classes starting this week.


I feel very strongly about offering you a way to work with me directly. I have set up a whole range of options for you to do that going from private coaching to being involved in small groups. The link will show you all the choices. And you can always call 505-345-3737 and ask me about how each works.

Getting Started
I am going to include this section for a while because we still have a lot of new people streaming in.

Well, first of all I would like to welcome the almost 700 people who have joined us in the last week! That Annie column reached into every corner of the USA and clearly touched a chord. This is where we heal sugar addiction. We have been on the task for 20 years.  I think you will find you are not only comforted here, but you will get some skills beyond your wildest dreams.  Let me offer you a couple of suggestions to get started.
  • Go back over to the website and click on the tab that says START and read everything under that tab.
  • Sign up for the Using the Resources of the Community orientation. Yvonne will run it again for the Annie people as soon as she is finished with the current class. Sign up now so you get a spot.
  • Join the Step One List - it is listed undertake tab that says SUPPORT. Jodi will soon start the Step One class once she gets everyone settled. She does it right on the list and there is no charge for it. 
The other really, really important thing is DO NOT STOP sugar right away!!!! It will totally mess your brain up. I don't care if everyone is telling you to do it, or if your doctor is telling you to do it. They do not know the brain chemistry of it. Learn stuff here. Be really bold and trust my advice. In a few months you will totally understand why I say this.
"Let your body speak to you. Use your journal."
Testimonial of the Week

  • a trip to the sea to take pictures of the sunset
  • sharing the experience with my autistic son
  • late afternoon nap
  • a couple of rows of knitting 

I wanted to share my experience of joy dots that started for me over on the depression list. Thank you Del for reminding me to share this.
I remember Joy Dots from a few years ago before I isolated. I remember thinking and feeling they were not for me.
I am a cup half empty girl. Incredibly hard on myself. My moods can be powerful and overwhelming.
I remember someone shared that even in the darkness there is light.
I did not believe that to be the case. Not for me.
But this time I simply followed the instructions. I started to write joy dots at the beginning of each post. The joy dots can be joyful or almost joyful or what you think could be joy. 
I started off writing joy dots that I did not believe were joyful. But did it anyway. I even made up some that I thought I would like cos I could not see any joy.
Then a strange thing happened. The tone of my posts started to change. My posts became more upbeat and positive. I did not feel the need to share my pain. 
Then I started to actually find real joy dots!!
And then those joy dots started to find me as I went through my day.
I feel now I carry a little torch of light around with me that helps me when things feel tough. And I know I can do something no matter how small to shift form the dark to the light. Like taking a nap, eating good food, taking a walk .....
And yes my mood is changing too.
Your Product Name

Come visit our STORE.  Call 505-345-3737 if you have questions.
David, the store manager is always happy to help.​​​​​​​ He is also my oldest son :)

Buy Now!
if you click on the link you can see what it looks like inside. I use mine every day. I still keep discovering really great add ons inside it LOL.It is a great addition to your program.
No Sugar Brownies
I am putting brownies again this week because last week the code was messed up and you got to go to the breakfast casserole. These brownies are amazing. I don't understand how it works but honestly you could make them for your kids and you would fool them.

Radiant Living
Most people think that weight loss is the biggest issue sugar sensitive people have. It is actually *body image* and this means that many people (even those who are overweight) do a lot of restricting as a way to cope with their FEAR of getting fat. It is nice to be able to talk about such things.

Your Last Diet

We are still working on the upgrade of the chat room. It is kind of like remodeling your house. You think you are going to just patch a little leak and then you open it up and discover the insulation got wet, and the supporting beam has mold on it, LOL.  Takes a little more work than expected.

Last week we had a person who is blind come to chat. She has a screen reader who could find the little blue marker in the lower corner because it did not have an alt marker on it. It made me realize we have some accessibility work to do. That got added to our chat punch list.

If you would like to join us in YLD, come find us here.  ​​​​​​​
The C57 Story-Part 2

Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

Here is the second part of the C57 story. Please note I changed the mouse. The grey one is a DBA mouse - the ones who are not sugar loving.

Let's translate what I wrote last week and play a little. Replace the word C57 with a sugar sensitive person and replace the word morphine with sugars. 

Let's go through the list again.

1. We all know some people who act like DBAs. They are the ones who say to us, "Why don't you just......say no.." They are the ones who decide to diet and do and then lose ten pounds in a month. They are the ones who give up chocolate for Lent and never look back, the ones who carried a little orange pumpkin at Halloween. They are the ones who would eat the chocolate chip cookie only if they were hungry. We know immediately who they are. Since society tends to recognize and value DBA behavior, we will judge ourselves against their standard. We carry the message that "DBA behavior is good, C57 behavior is bad."

2. And we also know that WE are the C57's. Intriguing to think why we can feel connected to the C57 mice so well. We are often children of alcoholics. We feel deeply, struggle with self-esteem issues, are sensitive, creative and impulsive. We may do rage or depression. And we all share the deep feeling language whether we are male or female.

3. When we feel defeated and overwhelmed, we assume the fetal position, lie still and don't move, and tell everyone is not our fault. Now, we may not do this on the outside. On the outside we may be doing big theater and having everyone believe that we are absolutely in control. But inside we are holding on by a thread and feeling horrible. 
We may be "lying still" way inside our hearts but we absolutely know this pattern. And we see our DBA friends who when faced with the same crises, get mobilized and energized. We take Prozac; they change jobs and get a promotion. We hate this "injustice" and have not a clue how biochemically mediated it is.

4. Sweet foods give us "energy". That means they get out of the lethargy of beta-endorphin withdrawal. Sweet foods can give us "motor mouth." We become engaging, funny and self confident. Sometimes our friends wonder if we have been drinking. 
More often, we chose other C57s as friends, so we go out for "coffee", have cake and REALLY enjoy our social times. And having coffee with the sweet roll feels like heaven. We get clear, focused and relaxed for about 30 minutes. We LOVE that feeling. And those cold frosty coffee, sugar drinks (you know which ones I mean) are the BEST because they make us feel so energized. Our DBA friends enjoy their coffee (they have the plain bagel), but they do not live for it.

5. We see these same behaviors clearly in our children and grandchildren. Give a three-year-old C57 a piece of birthday cake and he will be the life of the party. Give a two-year-old a twelve-ounce can of Sprint on the plane and she will be bouncing over the top of the seat for two hours. The more work we do with our program, the more clearly we see this profound shift in behavior pre and post sugar.

6. When we detox from sugar, we kinda sits around and waits till its over. We hunker down with our discomfort. Immobile. We literally feel as if our cells are made of lead and/or are all screaming. We feel the effect of withdrawal in our gut, our skin, our brain - wherever there are beta-endorphin receptor sites.

The Patterns Are Powerful
Pretty interesting isn't it. For many years we have struggled with learned helplessness, with self-esteem that fades in a moment. We vacillate between hyperactive clarity and lying on the couch in a stupor. The Dr. Jeykll/Ms.Hyde syndrome is very close to home.

Beyond Mood Swings
But now, I am pushing us beyond the idea of mood swings. I am inviting you think of yourself as a big C57 and to connect with the enormity of what these mouse studies mean for us. Those things which we have considered "character flaws for all this time are a function of your sugar sensitive biochemistry.

Our alcohol, sugar, fat, white things literally get us mobilized, make us brave, funny, self confident for a little. But we only remember the feeling okay, feeling brave. It's why so many people who come to the forum lament that they cannot imagine giving up the sugar. It's the "only" thing that makes life worth living. This is addiction. This is being caught in a place that kills us. But we don't see it.

The Power and the Disappointment of Beta Endorphin
The beta-endorphin hit wears off and we crash. Then it's horrible. And we become more immobile, hopeless, demoralized, overwhelmed and tearful. But we don not make the connection to withdrawal. What we remember is that when we "use" we feel okay. And so we are willing to trade 30 minutes, then ten minutes of feeling okay for the rest being horrible because we are so desperate to feel okay. We will do ANYTHING not to experience the horror of the withdrawal.
Ironically, many sugar sensitive people are very intolerant of alcoholics and drug addicts. But alcoholism and drug addiction are only the more intense forms of what we ourselves experience - a life driven to feeling better, terror of the withdrawal, and a life centered around getting our "fix."

Putting the Story Together
And along comes the Radiant Recovery® food plan outlined in Potatoes Not Prozac. Suddenly things start to make sense. The vague "knowing" we have had for a while (and we are intuitive people!) gets a name, It makes sense. We don't have to think of ourselves as hopeless, depressed and out of control. We are sugar sensitive. But Potatoes Not Prozac is only the beginning of the story. 

We create stability. We heal the brain. We take out the foods like sugar and white things that prime us. Sometimes this spooks us because when we take out the stuff that has made us feel "good" in the past, we enter an uneasy space. We feel better overall, but hardly confident. After all, our core brain is a C57, not a DBA.

Raising Beta Endorphin Naturally
This is the magic of all those things we affectionately refer to on the www.radiantrecovery.com forum as BE raising activities. Mozart, laughter, exercise, yoga, meditation, prayer, pups, babies, grandbabies, good sex, rollerblading, and great movies. What is not to like in the list? Do these things and create beta-endorphin. Slow and steady beta-endorphin. They wash us with feeling self-confident. And it grows on us. The more we feel it, the more we want to do these things.

Many of us have been listening to the voices on the forum. We can see these patterns as our friends in the sugar sensitive community make changes with the food. The voices of our "newbies" are very different from the voices of the "old-timers." When our food wobbles, we wobble. We whine, we munch, we get cranky. We go into beta-endorphin crash. We retreat, we isolate, and we crouch, get defensive and withdraw. Beta-endorphin crash. 

Claiming Our Birthright
And miracle of miracles, when the food is steady, we are steady. We are funny, compassionate, tolerate, patient, resourceful and willing to hang in there and find solutions. Same bodies, same brains, same biochemistry. But under the influence of a different way of eating. Balance brings our birthright home. 


Dear Annie: I read with interest the letter from "Weird, Stupid or Selfish?" – whose husband eats all the decorative candy she puts out. His inability to resist sugar resonated with me, as I have sugar sensitivity and have engaged in exactly the same behaviors. I simply could not resist sugar.

After years of struggling and dieting and sitting in work meetings obsessing about the doughnuts instead of the topic at hand, I discovered the book "Potatoes Not Prozac," by Kathleen DesMaisons. Her theory is that people who are sugar sensitive have brains that respond differently to sugar, alcohol and refined carbs and that what they eat and when they eat it have a huge effect on them. She shows how to rebalance blood sugar levels, serotonin and beta-endorphins through small lifestyle changes and offers the latest research, free online support and seven steps to change your life. It is not about willpower; it’s about biochemistry, which her program can slowly improve, just one tiny step at a time, with amazing results.

I have been sugar-free for six years now, lost 25 pounds and never gained any of it back. I can go to dinner with family and don’t even think twice when someone orders dessert. I don’t have cravings, and sugar is no longer on my radar. I am more focused and more tolerant, and the daily mood swings are gone. The woman who wrote to you could suggest to her husband that he check out https:// radiantrecovery.com to see whether he does have sugar sensitivity. At the very least, she would be better informed about this condition. – Happy Without Sugar

Dear Happy Without Sugar: I hadn’t considered that health issues might explain

her husband’s behavior. In fact, I hadn’t even heard of sugar sensitivity.

Thanks for opening my eyes ! to the condition. I’d like to encourage all readers to talk to their doctors if they find themselves compulsively eating sugary snacks.

—Email question to dearannie@creators.com


©2018 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. 

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