Welcome to Radiant Recovery®
February 18, 2018

Hi {!firstname_fix},

I apologize that this newsletter is arriving late. When I went to send it on Sunday, I discovered a glitch in the template software we use for the newsletter. That error in the program made the template pick up prior newsletter information. I was on the phone for several hours until we found the problem. I am greatly relieved. I have been baffled why everything looks perfect before I send it and then the newsletter grabs something it is not supposed to have. And you think I am nuts (or worse sloppy, LOL)

My little aroma diffuser is wonderful. I love having my office smell like roses. This is especially true when I am on the phone for hours with tech support people. I sent the new book manuscript off to my editor and am working on updating the science for it.

I will be off to Florida in another few days. It will be a quiet time of enjoying warmth and the beach. When I come back I will be putting up a schedule of classes we will be doing over the next few months so you can plan ahead. It will be kind of like a spring seed catalogue.

The new chat rooms are set to go and we had a lot of fun using them. I am pleased. I also spent some time working on the Little Sugar Addicts website which was in a sorry state. We will be revising the style so I figured we would do tidy and then remodel. I will be talking with the parents' list about what they would like to see.

Remember if you have ideas or input for us on what you would like to have available, share them on the  community forum. We do listen and are very interested in your ideas.

 Support for Your Program

Share with others, ask questions, explore everything and anything about your program without a charge.

Learn the steps, get fit safely, learn creative program cooking, learn about depression, learn with other men, learn with parents, share in local areas. There is no charge for groups.


Starting, Wednesday, Feb 21st

Using The Resources of the Community - FREE

This class will teach you all the ins and outs of the resources in the community. You will learn to navigate the community forum, learn how to use the resource center, check out Radiant Ranch, and learn your way around the website. You will be on your way with an invaluable resource in your pocket! There is no charge for this class.


I feel very strongly about offering you a way to work with me directly. I have set up a whole range of options for you to do that going from private coaching to being involved in small groups. The link will show you all the choices. Please note that coaching apprentice is open to people starting or restarting. Coaching skilled is for people who are settled with their steps and want to look at other issues more in depth. Signature coaching is for those who want an individualized program support.

And you can always call 505-345-3737 and ask me about how each works.

"You cannot heal addiction in isolation. "
Testimonial of the Week
Hi guys...good morning! Prepping the oats went well last night, although I put the pan back on the turned-off burner after adding the oats to the pan. I even heard jo's voice in my head, "do not put the pan back on the burner...it will boil over..." :-) and guess what! It did! It gave me a good laugh... always testing and needing to learn it for myself. Oh well, at least I didn't get mad at myself.

I couldn't wait to peek in the lid this morning! They were too crunchy for my taste so I added some water and heated them up. They cooked up nicely while I cooked eggs and reheated sausage in the microwave. I added cottage cheese to them -- ate them with 1.5 egg/cheese omelet and 1.5 pieces of sausage.

I got breakfast in just within the hour but it took me the whole hour in the kitchen. I wasn't as focused as I'd like to be but hey I did it.

Tomorrow I'm going to do the same breakfast just to see if I can plan a couple of more things (plates & bowls seem to confound me in the morning somehow) to get it in me sooner.

Come visit our STORE. Call 505-345-3737 if you have questions.
David, the store manager is always happy to help. He is also my oldest son :)

$79.99 for 360
When you first started increasing your protein and veggies, your body might have complained a bit. Sometimes people who are sugar sensitive have lower levels of the enzymes that handle these things. Our digestive enzymes can really help.

This price is for 360 tablets. We stock the larger bottle for the people who LOVE this product and prefer a better price for quantity.

 If you haven't tried it yet, but would like to, email David and ask him to get the100 tablet size for you.

Because this product contains protease (which digests protein) you won't want to use it if you have gastritis or ulcers. When you get to the store, you can order gammazyme instead. 
Apple Crisp
While winter is still lurking, this is a GREAT way to start the morning. I think it is supposed to be dessert, LOL. I have it for breakfast with my eggs.

Radiant Living
I have changed the rules about Radiant Living and Your Last Diet Chats. If you are a member of either program, you may attend the chats for both Living and YLD. If you would like to attend 2 chats a week, you are more than welcome to do so. We are now using our new chat room. I have posted the logistics of getting into the room on the Living List and Steph posted them at YLD. Please go over and practice before chat. Read the room instructions and the guides for chatting. Begin at the landing page.  But remember you will need the password to access the landing page.​​​​​​​

Your Last Diet

Do I have to be on step 7 to join YLD?
No. In fact, it is great to come join right at the beginning. YLD gives you a whole level of support you can't find anywhere else in the community.

I don't need to lose weight. Is there any point in joining?
Absolutely. The chats alone are worth the price of joining. It is where you can actively participate in shaping the vision of the community, learn about the latest trends, and just have a terrific time with other members from around the world. 

A few weeks ago, I had talked about pre-posting a science topic related to weight loss here in this section and then using that as a topic in chat. Last week I talked about Ginger and it was a great chat.

If you are not a YLD member, come and join us. If you are a current member and want to join us in the new chat room, come to the  landing page.  I will post the page chat words on the YLD list.

If you would like to join us in YLD, come find us here.  ​​​​​​​
What to Expect Down the Road
Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.

I thought it would be helpful to have a sense of the developmental process in reaching your goals of healing and weight loss. Let's take a look at how it goes.

Regularity and Structure

    Chaos is the starting place for most of you. You may be way out there, or you may be high functioning chaos artists. But the tone is always the same. You feel hopeless, out of control, desperate, inadequate, and impatient. You can't remember instructions, you want to get started and people don't understand what is going on for you.

    You feel the problem is the sugar. Or the problem is your weight. And the feelings are so bad, you have to do something RIGHT NOW!!!! You are a true drama pup and feel like you can't start, can't stop, and you are crazy.

    You eat irregular meals, lots of sugars and carbohydrates, you may binge, drink little water and either exercise rarely or exercise compulsively.

    You have tried a thousand diets. You have lost weight and gained it back a lot. You are tired and terrified. You hold your breath at even the idea something might work. You want to do it all, and you keep putting it off.

    You are in the right place. The program can help you.

Regularity and Structure
    You start the program. You work on breakfast. Breakfast becomes habitual. You like the feelings it brings. You write your journal. Sometimes you forget, but mostly you remember. You don't yet use the journal as a detective, but you are gathering the information and resisting the idea less.

    You manage to eat three meals a day. You have protein at each meal. You have a potato every night. You take the three vitamins every day. You are still having sweets, but eat them with your meals. You eat whatever fruits you list but notice them and write them down. You have started increasing your water and find you rather like it. You are thinking about the idea of exercising.

    You have started to feel the routine of regular meals. You have breakfast every day and find that if you miss it, you notice right away. You like how you are feeling. You are sleeping better. You are resisting the idea of the program less. Things start working. You notice how much caffeine and/or aspartame you use. You begin to reduce them slowly without being impulsive or reactive along the way.

    You are still writing diligently in your journal. You are now getting interested in what your journal says. What can it teach you? What is the connection between food and feelings, anyway? You start eating brown things rather than white refined flour products. Whole grains, brown rice and oatmeal creep in and you find you actually like them.

    You still have fruit, but find it is becoming more and more a normal part of your diet rather than a desperate alternative to the sweets you think you should be eating. While you haven't really focused on the sugars, you find that the bag of M&Ms you used to have instead of lunch doesn't have the same charm when eaten after dinner.

    You are less frantic about searching for your stash in the evening. Mr. Spud is a friend by now. And you are starting to think that the idea of going off sugar may not be so scary after all.

You pick a date and know that you are ready to just go for it. The day arrives and you don't have sugar, you don't have alcohol. You feel excited. You feel that maybe this time you can do it. You still have breakfast; you guard yourself a little more tightly.

    You are using your food journal as a valuable aid in your process. It alerts you to danger or slippage. But your focus is on the SUGAR. Finally, the bogey man is going to go. Day four comes; you are cranky but intrigued. It's a day and you are ready. And then, and then day five. You wake up and realize you just passed through the sugar barrier. You are on your way.

    You hold this place now for a while. Part of you is itching to go with losing weight. You actually may have started losing. Or you may have gained some. This makes you a little nervous, but you trust the process. Something is happening here. You aren't quite sure what or how it is working so powerfully, but you are hooked.

    Your food is steady. Your energy is up. Your sleep is working. You are pleased and excited. And if you are not, you know what to do. Back to the journal. Back to the forum. Let's figure it out. It's not overwhelming; it's just functional. You are in charge and you know what to do.

    You have been sugar free for a few weeks. Yes, yes, that is weeks, not days. And now you are ready to start your diet plan. But you are willing to listen. Wait for six months on steady we say. You no longer fret. You know it makes sense. Get skill, get stable. 

You are no longer frantic and are starting to enjoy this. You have some goals. You have a sense that you can start the things to get you ready for weight loss. 

    You are reducing the amount of fruit you have. Browns are steady. You start increasing the greens. Veggies become your friend and if not your friend, at least you have learned how to cook them. You eat them regularly.

    You have increased your water to the ounces that equal 1/2 your body weight. The potato is a regular part of your routine. Steady, you are steady. And you have started exploring your other options from that steady place.

    You go into the support modules regularly and work on the extras like defining your style, reflecting on feelings, getting your support network refined, exercising, and looking at what will help you hold the diet. 

    A funny thing is happening. You kinda like this process. You are less impatient. You like how things are unfolding. You are ready now for the weight loss.

    After all this time, you are ready. Not frantic, but ready. At the base, you understand what you are doing. This is not hit or miss or desperate. It is informed and intentional. You understand the biochemistry of it all. You don't throw away the spud because it is too glycemic. You aren't counting calories.   
    You have a good relationship to your scale. You are doing some exercise every day. You are on your way!

Here is the Annie Lane column that brought so many of you here.

Dear Annie: I read with interest the letter from "Weird, Stupid or Selfish?" – whose husband eats all the decorative candy she puts out. His inability to resist sugar resonated with me, as I have sugar sensitivity and have engaged in exactly the same behaviors. I simply could not resist sugar.

After years of struggling and dieting and sitting in work meetings obsessing about the doughnuts instead of the topic at hand, I discovered the book "Potatoes Not Prozac," by Kathleen DesMaisons. Her theory is that people who are sugar sensitive have brains that respond differently to sugar, alcohol and refined carbs and that what they eat and when they eat it have a huge effect on them. She shows how to rebalance blood sugar levels, serotonin and beta-endorphins through small lifestyle changes and offers the latest research, free online support and seven steps to change your life. It is not about willpower; it’s about biochemistry, which her program can slowly improve, just one tiny step at a time, with amazing results.

I have been sugar-free for six years now, lost 25 pounds and never gained any of it back. I can go to dinner with family and don’t even think twice when someone orders dessert. I don’t have cravings, and sugar is no longer on my radar. I am more focused and more tolerant, and the daily mood swings are gone. The woman who wrote to you could suggest to her husband that he check out https:// radiantrecovery.com to see whether he does have sugar sensitivity. At the very least, she would be better informed about this condition. – Happy Without Sugar

Dear Happy Without Sugar: I hadn’t considered that health issues might explain

her husband’s behavior. In fact, I hadn’t even heard of sugar sensitivity.

Thanks for opening my eyes to the condition! I’d like to encourage all readers to talk to their doctors if they find themselves compulsively eating sugary snacks.

—Email question to dearannie@creators.com


©2018 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your blog or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. 

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