Re: Emergency kit
In Response To: Emergency kit ()

Hi Julie,

You can also buy packs of brown rice that are basically cooked. You're just supposed to heat them in the microwave for a minute or two, but I imagine you could eat them right out of the bag.

My daughter just moved out to sunny California, and I keep hearing how marvellous it is! I will talk to her about getting an emergency kit in place.


: My husband and I were recently
: updating our emergency kit. (You
: know, the go bag they suggest you
: have with first aid supplies,
: blankets, flashlights,
: non-perishable food, etc. in case
: of an evacuation.) We live on an
: earthquake fault line and in a
: flood zone if the nearby dam
: breaks. Just looking for tips on
: program friendly foods that would
: work well. I was thinking of
: putting in some protein powder,
: but I don't want to put in an
: entire container, and I worry
: about it staying fresh if I only
: put in a partly used container.
: Has anyone done this? Or similar?
: Tips?

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