Re: Food steady
In Response To: Food steady ()

Chloe, I'm sorry to hear about your mother in law. I'm glad you were able to keep your food steady. It's hard any time you are staying in someone else's house, especially at a time like this, when food is probably not high on the priority list for most of the family members. I know at times like that, food needs to be at the top of my list.

: We had to make an emergency trip
: across the country because my
: husbands mother was dieing. She
: passed away while we were there.

: These situation are always hard.
: Adjusting to time change,
: traveling, living in someone
: else's home and the grieving. On
: the whole my food stayed steady.
: Not perfect timing or sometimes
: whites/beiges carbs. I know having
: food steady helped me to handle
: the whole situation better. It
: also made the return to home/work
: smoother.

: I am once again thankful for this
: program and healing which makes me
: able to handle what life hands me.
: Chloe