Re: Food steady
In Response To: Food steady ()

Hi Chloe,

Sorry to hear about your family's loss.

Three years ago, my mom and sister passed away within two months of each other.
At the time I had not yet heard of RR.
My hectic driving to and from hospitals/work/home
was accentuated by the effects of sugars and whites.

It would have been a good thing back then if I had had the support of this solid food plan.
I am so glad being steady on the food gave you that strong foundation from which to go through this challenging experience.

I wish you and yours no further sorrow,

: We had to make an emergency trip
: across the country because my
: husbands mother was dieing. She
: passed away while we were there.

: These situation are always hard.
: Adjusting to time change,
: traveling, living in someone
: else's home and the grieving. On
: the whole my food stayed steady.
: Not perfect timing or sometimes
: whites/beiges carbs. I know having
: food steady helped me to handle
: the whole situation better. It
: also made the return to home/work
: smoother.

: I am once again thankful for this
: program and healing which makes me
: able to handle what life hands me.
: Chloe