Re: Horror movies! :o
In Response To: Horror movies! :o ()

: I think that this may have something
: to do with sugar sensitivity, but
: horror movies are an absolute NO
: for me. I can't tolerate them at
: all. I remember years ago I
: started watching my friend's DVD
: copy of Silent Hill, and I turned
: it off within five minutes. It
: just freaked me out too much, and
: I still get the creeps just
: thinking about it! Today someone
: mentioned a particular horror
: movie and of course, my curiosity
: got the best of me and I just had
: to google it. I wish I hadn't!
: just knowing that that particular
: movie exists just bothers me so
: much. And I can't get it out of my
: head now!

: Do horror movies have an effect like
: this on anyone else? :s8(

this is biochemical. :h11)
It is a function of the protection around your amygdala not working the way it
was designed to.
Doing the food, listening to the Safe Place CD will help heal this.
