Re: Horror movies! :o
In Response To: Re: Horror movies! :o ()

I used to love horror movies, they never bothered me at all, but my daughter is totally the opposite. We just discussed it tonight on our walk to grocery shopping and I told her what Kathleen says is the reason for it. We just thought that she had an overactive imagination or something, I said you just have to see it as a movie, not something that could actually happen to you personally, and she said that most things can happen to anyone, because the best horror movies are realistic. I have always been able to see it as "just a movie." I haven't watched one in years though, to me, I don't know if this is true, but I feel it would raise some chemical in a way that isn't exactly healthy, just thinking about it makes me think of adrenalin, lol.

I just haven't been drawn to that particular type of thing for a long time, or books that are the same. In fact I am rather annoyed that I haven't been able to read for a while, I seem to only want to read certain types of books these days, namely detective or forensics ones but I have so many other types of books I haven't read on my shelves. I will have to try and teach myself to like other types, I think.



: For years, whenever I was washing my
: face, I would get the feeling that
: someone was creeping up on me, and
: I had to use a see through shower
: curtain so the psycho guy couldn't
: get me. After doing the food for a
: while, both these problems went
: away. But I still don't enjoy
: horror movies. Anyway, there are
: so many other movies that are
: probably better for our mental
: health than horror movies.
: Allison