Re: Is it hard to get through holiday season?

I would agree that this is the best advice for the holidays - just doing the step you are on.

The first time I went through the holidays on step 6, I also found it really helpful to bring a treat that I could eat so that it wasn't hard to watch everyone eat dessert. I think I brought berries and cream that first year. Every year it got easier and now I don't need to bring a treat of my own. However, I've discovered a wonderful sweet potato pie recipe that my husband and I both enjoy with whipped cream on top. It's totally program friendly and could even count as a brown. So now we make that for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

: what helps you ? for me I would like
: to hand on the best bit of advice
: I heard here.

: Just do the step you are
: on

: its really simple, I don't have to
: try and think or anticipate
: anything or worry about how things
: will go. Just do my step

: it was hard the first few years for
: me as I still worried. Early days
: I was trying to do all six steps
: at once and so felt anxious at
: events sometimes. I found it
: almost impossible to just focus on
: breakfast when there was Christmas
: pudding to try and avoid

: then I realised if I managed to get
: four parts of breakfast right and
: all smooth and flowing the rest of
: the day could do its own thing

: I discovered I can harness my energy
: into forward planning, which I am
: good at
: so that was the next thing

: it is a little mantra for calming and
: soothing really, to think, just do
: my step