Re: Safe Place CD
In Response To: Re: Safe Place CD ()

Well, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who falls asleep :h12)

Today, I went through the cd twice.
For the first run, I sat up in bed with my eyes closed.
I heard it to the end.......just started nodding off a wee bit at the very end.

Then I put it on another time,
and this time I lay down for my nap,
and fell asleep while listening.

I woke up to the beep of my alarm clock,
and felt really mellow........and safe! :h7)


: I always fall asleep, too. I actually
: listened to it at work once just
: so I could hear the part I always
: sleep through. I don't fall asleep
: if my eyes are open and I'm
: sitting up.
: Allison