Diaabetic In need of help

i can't tell you how many times I have gone to RR, signed up, selected communities, and by passed step 1...thinking I new it all. I come from an Overeaters Anonymous back ground and starved my way to being 80 pounds thinner. I ate 3 meals a day, weighed and measured meals, called my sponsor to tell her what I was eating for the day and went to 3 meetings a week...I went crazy. After I left OA, I went on, got my undergrad degree and masters degree in education and went on with the business of living. I tried OA a time or 2 but counldn't adhere to the strictness of the . program. I have tried but I CAN NOT DO IT.the whole thought of it depresses me. I now have full blown diabetes and my blood sugars are out of control. I still eat sugar like crazy and say I will start my sugar free diet each new day. I have been messing around with this issue for 40 years. It is going to kill me if I don't get help. I need to eliminate sugar from my diet, I need to eat browns. I need to eat more veggies and the healthy list goes on. If you have ever lost weight in this RR program, please write back. I am chasing my tail and I don't have lots of tail chasing time left. I need to get healthy....Thanks.