Back again


I've been on and off with RR for a couple of years, never getting past step three. I'm back, and hoping to start fresh. I felt like I ought to post here first rather than hop into step one with a bunch of back story. The short of the backstory is that an eating disorder makes step two quite triggering for me, so I got spooked each time I had to write down what I ate (or skip that altogether, which was also scary for me). Fear of gaining weight has also spooked me away from the steps that I know logically my body needs so badly.

I've been feeling terribly depressed, have unbelievably low self-esteem, am exhausted (even with 8 hours of sleep), have terrible mood swings and basically cannot get out of my own way. I know it's the sugar. I have to try again to work these steps and feel better.

Anyway, just wanted to check in. I will try to get in with Step One again and just do that for now. Thanks for listening !