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Radiant Recovery

On Being an Ambassador

As I am sure you have gathered by now, I am passionate about getting a copy of Little Sugar Addicts into the hands of every parent, grandparent, teacher, pediatrician, child care worker and any other person connected with kids in the entire country. We have an opportunity to make a radical impact on children. This is not going to happen with policy makers, it is going to happen with YOU talking with the people in your lives.

With this newsletter, I am starting an ongoing tutorial on how to become an effective radiant ambassador and participate in the miracle we are about to create. Here are the beginning steps:

1) Make sure to pre-order your copy. I am concerned that you might have to wait for 2-3 weeks for the second print run. Order it through because so many people use amazon to watch a book's *value* by its ranking. Book buyers in other venues take notice of amazon's trends.

2) Go over to the new web site at and read everything. Go to the press room and see all the resources we have put there. You can read a chapter of the new book in the *look inside* section You can read the questions and answers.

After you get your own copy and read it, I am sure you are going to want to share it with people. Email your friends and family with the website. As they get excited, you can be a resource of information. Answer questions. Go into your local bookstores. Make sure they are carrying the book. Have them put it where it can be seen. Tell the manager you are talking about it to everyone. Give the manager a copy of the *one sheet* and write your name and email on it if she has questions. Tell your local health food store.

We have started an online group called radiantambassadors. here are some of the the things they are doing:

1) Contacting the local paper via email and sending them to the web.
2) Contacting the editors of kids papers
3) Contacting senior magazines
4) Contacting parents newspapers

You can send them to the Press Room. We have put up 2 articles for them to use directly. Tell them YOUR story of healing. Tell them you live there and read the publication.

5) Tell your child's teacher (give her or him a copy)
6) Tell the day care center or your child care worker or nanny
7) Tell you doctor and nurse practitioner
8) Tell your dentist
9) Tell your chiropractor and massage therapist or acupuncturist
10) Tell your therapist
11) Tell your hairdresser

If you work for a company that serves kids (like Toys r Us or Gymboree or Pottery Barn for Kids or Walmart or Gap, tell the people who do the company newsletter. Send them to the press room to pick up one of the articles. Tell them your experience.

If you have a professional journal like the Journal of Nursing, or Social Work, write them and suggest they review the book. Send them to the press room where they can request a review copy.

If you get catalogues that carry books, write them and tell them about it. Write Ann Landers. Email the National Girl Scouts. Talk to your Boys and Girls Club Directors. Call the YMCA. Give them the website URL, tell them about the press room.

As you do this, let us know what you have done. We are going to post all the things you folks are doing. This is OUR book. I want you to watch what happens when the people take charge. You see, we are used to thinking that we are victims of the media and advertising. We are not. The media is there to serve us. let's use the connection we have to get people talking about what sugar really does. We know why the incidence of obesity, diabetes, ADD and behavior problems are sky rocketing. The issue is not going to be solved by throwing billions on university studies. It is going to be solved when people like you talk to your hairdresser and friends over coffee.

Email me to let us add to the list of local efforts. And PLEASE make creative suggestions for me to follow up. Let me know of articles you find that are relevant. Fax me the article if you have it. Our fax number is 505-345-3057. Everything you do and tell me, we will post. Email me if you have ideas or suggestions. YOU are the experts!

(c)Kathleen DesMaisons 2006 All Rights Reserved

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