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Glycogen Storage in Exercise

I have had some inquires from athletes about whether PnP is a good solution for people wanting to increase muscle recovery after prolonged exercise. Now, I know that many of you are couch potatoes, but bear with me. There are some sugar sensitive athletes as well. We need to offer alternatives to all of you.

This study looked at the best food combination to help restore muscle glycogen storage (recovery) after a period of 2 hours of cycling. They compared a plain carbohydrate drink to a plain protein drink to a drink that combined both protein and carbohydrates. The results suggest that post exercise muscle storage can be best enhanced with the carbohydrate-protein supplement.

George's Shake anyone?

* Zawadski et al, Carbohydrate-protein complex increases the rate of muscle glycogen storage after exercise. J Appl. Physiol, 1992 May;72(5):1854-1859

(c)Kathleen DesMaisons 2006. All rights reserved.

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