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Thoughts on the Tsunami

I have waited to write to you about the Tsunami because I , like most of you I am sure, have had to collect my thoughts first. It was too big, too devastating to even know where to start in making sense of it. But today, something clicked for me.

As some of you know, I have had an ongoing interest in the scientist from Japan who has been photographing frozen water crystals and seeing the impact of different messages on the structure of the water. He published a series of amazing photographs. The crystals from water that many people had said *I love you to* were exquisite and beautifully formed. The crystals from the water that people had said *you fool* or *I hate you* were malformed, broken and distorted.
Even more interesting were photographs from a lake that was severely polluted. The crystals from the lake water were dark, jagged and looked like the water exposed to heavy metal rock music. It was pretty unsettling. Then they did an intriguing experiment. They took a group of people out to this lake and prayed for it. After the prayer, they collected some water, froze it and photographed it. Its structure had changed totally. It was now formed into the same sort of perfect crystal structure we see in snowflakes.

The scientist is now talking about praying for the ground water left after the tsunami. He is convening people to offer their prayers. So I went over to his website to check out what he was saying. His message seems a little strange to me these days. He no longer posts the photographs on his web site for free, you have to pay for them. He gets paid a lot of money for lectures and the like. So I am thinking he has kinda forgotten the simplicity of his own original message.

But the invitation retains its power. I like the idea of offering our prayers not only for the people but for the water and the land. There are a lot of us. And there are a lot of us in recovery which means we have cleared out a lot of our own fear and distortion and *pollution* from the water (all 90% of it) within our own bodies. So I think we have clear hearts to ask for healing for the areas that were devastated. I am going to suggest that we do this collectively. Perhaps every day at 6 PM MST we can all stop for 5 minutes and simply ask for healing of the devastated land and people. Here is a link to an international clock if you want to sort out what time that would be for you. Use Denver, CO to calculate MST.

I know I cannot make this horrible, horrible thing right, but I can offer my own heart and openness for the healing to come. I invite you to join me and all those who are making this commitment.

(c)Kathleen DesMaisons 2006. All rights reserved.

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