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weight loss


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Radiant Recovery

YLD Chat


YLD Chat Transcript April 5, 2006
Lila                           Hi
Jane                         Hello Everyone
Joan                         hi, Jane
radiantkd                  hi everyone
Vicki_G                    hi
Stella                       hello
Ann                          Hello!
gretel                        hi
Erin                          Hi
Patti                         hi
James                      hi
Brid                          hi
Jane                         Hi Kathleen
Elaine                       hi
Joan                         hi
radiantkd                  do we have some first timers?
Jess                         Yes, my first time.
Vicki_G                    welcome Jess
Kath                         g'day
Jess                         Thanks!
Jane                         Hi Jess
Ann                          welcome Jess!
radiantkd                  nice to have you here
radiantkd                  ok, I have a topic
Alice_F                     Yes?
James                      great
Stella                       all ears
Elaine                       drum roll
Lila                           great
radiantkd                  I would like to talk about weight loss
gail                           lol
Erin                          Imagine that!
Jane                         Oh good
Val                           oh, THAT! LOL
radiantkd                  I have an interesting observation
Kath                         ah, the bonus extra at the end of healing
Val                           you mean that thing I don't even think about any more?
radiantkd                  as you all know, we have just started new classes
radiantkd                  yes?
Jane                         Yes
Kath                         y
Elaine                       yes
Vicki_G                    yes
Stella                       y
Peggy_J.                  right
Jess                         yes
James                      yep
radiantkd                  so everyone is settled in
radiantkd                  3 levels
Bonnie                      I am in the weight loss and just posted a BIG feeling response
radiantkd                  foundation
radiantkd                  weight loss
Alice_F                     settling...
radiantkd                  and weight loss in action
radiantkd                  with the expectation that the people in WLIA have 6 months on step 7
radiantkd                  right?
Kath                         right
Vicki_G                    right
Jane                         right
Peggy_J.                  yes
Stella                       right
Bonnie                      yep
James                      yep
Brid                          right
Lucy                         i thought that was for weight loss as well
Lila                           right
radiantkd                  no lise, weight loss is step 7
radiantkd                  anyway, I asked WLIA about where they are with the steps
radiantkd                  and a lot of people sort of said, weeeell, I have a hard time with the journal
radiantkd                  :-)
Peggy_J.                  and we were pretty silent!
Erin                          :)
Randy                      oops
radiantkd                  no judgment, I found it fascinating
radiantkd         is the thing.
radiantkd                  You cannot do weight loss without the journal
Kath                         *when* my journal finally got happening well, *then* i started losing weight
Peggy_J.                  that is for sure
radiantkd                  let’s talk about why this is
Jane                         You really can't do any steps at all successfully without the journal
Bonnie                      can you be step seven without it ??
radiantkd                  why is the journal so important
Erin                          Heck I can't do the program at all without journal
Peggy_J.                  information!!
Kath                         it connects to the very subtle things the body is saying
Lila                           I'm using my journal more now on step 6 than ever
Stella                       body connection
Peggy_J.                  feedback
radiantkd                  how about relationship with body
Bonnie                      Keeps a close connection and allows for calibration
radiantkd                  LOL
Peggy_J.                  that's what I meant!
gretel                        LOL Bonnie
Kath                         the things that make for relationship rather than just acquaintance with my body
Bonnie                      close connection
Bonnie                      oops
radiantkd                  ok, I want to tell you something new
radiantkd                  about relationship
radiantkd                  a long time ago, I was trained to do relationship by learning to listen to the other person
radiantkd                  most of us do not do that
radiantkd                  especially when we are mad or disgusted
James                      TRUE
Peggy_J.                  so true
radiantkd                  or when the other person says something we don’t like
Val                           very true
Lila                           fits for me
Bonnie                      with poor body I stay disgusted
Alice_F                     right
radiantkd                  will you open up to someone who thinks you are disgusting
Jane                         No way
Peggy_J.                  no way
Bonnie                      nope
Brid                          never
Lila                           you stay guarded
Val                           not a chance
radiantkd                  right
Patti                         in addiction I would
radiantkd                  no data
Val                           nor to someone who won't listen
radiantkd                  or someone who talks on the phone with you but doesn’t really listen
Alice_F                     I've tried - no point to it!
Kath                         real listening involves openness
Kath                         attentiveness
radiantkd                  you know, they are typing while listening
Bonnie                      completely tune out!
radiantkd                  ok, I think when we are fat, the tendency is to do *rote* with the body
radiantkd                  oh let me catch up every two days
Patti                         what do you mean by rote"?"
Jane                         Please explain
Jan_A                       ditto
radiantkd                  I *have to* do entries
radiantkd                  entries
James                      relying on memory instead of checking in
radiantkd                  right
Lila                           so we aren't present
Jan_A                       good thanks, James
radiantkd                  shorthand instead of conversation
Bonnie                      logging the food forgetting the feelings
radiantkd                  5 minutes instead of a dialogue
radiantkd                  logging the food is NOT relationship
Jane                         Lately I have found myself doing that to my body.
Jane                         Not listening
radiantkd                  saying, I really am not interested in what you have to say
radiantkd                  saying you are a bother
Alice_F                     Yeah, yeah, I was OK, nothing major, knees hurt, so what...
radiantkd                  right
Kath                         Logging can be a start, but not an end
radiantkd                  yeah, yeah
Lila                           not showing acceptance
Jane                         or respect
radiantkd                  now, think about whether you would want to spend time with someone you yeah, yeah you
Peggy_J.                  and being fully present is difficult for addicts who are using, yes?
Susan                      sorry -- AOL not working, so I'm late
Kath                         impossible I think Peggy
Val                           yada yada yada
radiantkd                  well, of course, Peggy
radiantkd                  but I am thinking about folks who get the program
radiantkd                  but think a casual journal is ok
Patti                         someone who yah yah"s" me means to me they have better things to do than talk to me"
radiantkd                  would you want to spend time with a yeah yeah
Bonnie                      cruise control not performance driving
radiantkd                  right
Jane                         definitely not
radiantkd                  you would not spend time with them, right?
Kath                         I think there are some who need all of the program before they are *able* to journal much more than logging
R                             :) Bonnie
gretel                        nicely put Bonnie
Bonnie                      thanks
Patti                         well if I did spend time with them I would leave empty
radiantkd                  Kath, I am not talking about early recovery here
Val                           nope, I don't
Val                           spend time with those people, I mean
radiantkd                  learning relationship is a skill
radiantkd                  yes?
Kath                         wyes
Val                           oh, yes
Jane                         yes
Stella                       y
radiantkd                  and most of us don’t know how to do that
Jane                         and takes time
Peggy_J.                  yes
radiantkd                  because we were wrapped up in addiction
radiantkd                  and we did not have role models
Erin                          very very true
radiantkd                  right?
Jane                         yes
Brid                          yes
Ann                          yes
Kath                         well the role models we had were not good ones
Bonnie                      not good ones
radiantkd                  ok, so I just realized something
Alice_F                     Hm - I can listen - I've never been able to talk...
radiantkd                  I need to help you learn how to do relationship with your body
Kath                         yes
Jane                         great idea!!
Erin                          Oh, interesting!
Val                           say more?
Patti                         another class  :)
Lila                           this is great, exactly where I am
Peggy_J.                  and this will help other relationships too
Donna_S.                 listening!!
Jess                         Yes!  This is great!
radiantkd                  and I am thinking I can do this from a place of really knowing how to do relationship
Kath                         attentiveness
Bonnie                      timely for me
Jane                         Really where I am at this point
Connie                      willingness to be changed
radiantkd                  ok, relationship means not being in addiction
radiantkd                  that is the beginning
Erin                          yes
radiantkd                  when you are in addiction, you only have one relationship
Lila                           I thought not being in addiction was the end
Jane                         does that mean if we are in addiction we cannot have a relationship?
radiantkd                  no, that is the beginning
radiantkd                  LOL
radiantkd                  if you are in addiction, you can have a compromised relationship
Jane                         I see
radiantkd                  let me show you what I mean
radiantkd                  if you are *using*
radiantkd                  whatever it may be...sugar, gambling, shopping
radiantkd                  then your energy is going into that
radiantkd                  planning your next fix
radiantkd                  recuperating from your last
radiantkd                  hiding
radiantkd                  trying to get better
Bonnie                      very busy justifying
radiantkd                  yes?
Kath                         and distorted perceptions and actions
Erin                          yeppers
Jane                         yes
Peggy_J.                  oh so true
Donna_S.                 yes
Lila                           yes
radiantkd                  hard to have a relationship when all your energy is going into coping
Alice_F                     yes
Val                           TRUE
Kath                         very
radiantkd                  now you may think you have one
radiantkd                  but often it is a shared addiction
radiantkd                  LOL
Erin                          Ain't that the truth
radiantkd                  a team mate rather than a relationship
radiantkd                  ok, so then you start recovery
Bonnie                      partner in crime
Val                           true, the common bond is the addiction(s)
radiantkd                  right
Peggy_J.                  yes, even after years
radiantkd                  ok, so here is the deal
radiantkd                  your journal is a skill builder
radiantkd                  that is a trick I embedded into it
radiantkd                  heh heh
Kath                         hang on I am lost are you talking relationship with another person or with your body that is a shared addiction""
radiantkd                  I was referring to a person in that one
Lila                           journal is practice for being in a relationship
Kath                         OK
radiantkd                  now I am back to your body
Kath                         thanks for the signposting (grin)
radiantkd                  journal teaches some key things
Jane                         Because we are learning to listen?
radiantkd                  paaaaaaying attention
radiantkd                  noticing details
radiantkd                  yeah, listening
radiantkd                  and taking time to make details valuable
radiantkd                  think about how much you love it when someone notices what is important to you
radiantkd                  yes?
Val                           oh, yes
Jane                         yes
Erin                          y
Peggy_J.                  for sure
Brid                          TRUE
Lila                           yes
James                      yes
Bonnie                      oh  yes
kayla                        yes
radiantkd                  and think about if they did it every day
radiantkd                  and they called or texted you
radiantkd                  hey, how are you?
radiantkd                  hey, what you feeling?
radiantkd                  hey, how is your day going
radiantkd                  wanna have a cup of coffee
delse                        (or not)
Jane                         The caring would be wonderful
radiantkd                  wanna go to Starbucks and share your day?
Bonnie                      would build nice intimacy
Erin                          I'd be flattered, want to go have the coffee
radiantkd                  of course
radiantkd                  now lets say they said all that and you blew them off
Val                           it would be irresistible, LOL
Peggy_J.                  heavens no coffee!  Just company
Leah                         i would find it somewhat stifling
radiantkd                  and said, not now
radiantkd                  and they did not return calls
radiantkd                  and shut you out
Peggy_J.                  stood you up
radiantkd                  right
Jane                         You know I could actually see myself doing that because I am not use to all that attention
radiantkd                  over and over
radiantkd                  ok, now imagine that this person is someone who adores you
radiantkd                  in a healthy way
Rory                         I have been a bad friend to my journal. :(
radiantkd                  no neurotic longing
radiantkd                  no demands
Jane                         Me too , Rory
radiantkd                  no expectations
Bonnie                      i have been a bad friend to my SELF
radiantkd                  ok, but try this on
Rory                         danae difference, Bonnie
Kath                         well I have been the isolator, but if someone did it to me now, I’d be saying goodness they must be in the danae spot I was in then and couldn't cope
radiantkd                  lets say this person really truly adores your without resentment or judgment
Meg.                        sounds like the best kind of friend to have
Nell                          unconditional love
radiantkd                  what if you called and said, whew, OK, lets meet for a little
Bonnie                      You're right Rory
radiantkd                  what if you said, tell me about your day
radiantkd                  would it change how you feel about your journal
Jane                         Yes, definitely
Lila                           if that's what it's about?
Rory                         isn't that the fine line between the journal and a diary?
Meg                         this whole conversation changes how the journal looks right now
radiantkd                  what do you mean, Rory
Jane                         It sure does
Bonnie                      my journal has sort of morphed into a diary lately bad thing?
Jill                            i seem to use the journal more as a science
Rory                         I have had to work to not put in so much detail
radiantkd                  do you use a diary to listen or talk
Rory                         But I see now that that has turned it into a log book
Bonnie                      talk
radiantkd                  ok here is my sense
radiantkd                  your body is VERY skilled
radiantkd                  and has been very patient
radiantkd                  she is pretty eloquent
radiantkd                  and has some wonderful things to share
radiantkd                  that may be in a new language
radiantkd                  ok, think of it this way
radiantkd                  imagine a person in your life that you adore
radiantkd                  who do you think of
Rory                         DH
radiantkd                  a real person? An aunt, a friend, a daughter
Bonnie                      dh
Stella                       dh
Jane                         DH
Lila                           husband
radiantkd                  yes, a husband
Erin                          People in this community
radiantkd                  chose one, Elaine
Mary                        husband
Erin                          Gretel
Jess                         a friend
Kath                         I am thinking of a grandmother who had a stroke...all It cost her was the power of speech and we had to learn to listen to the other ways she communicated
radiantkd                  great
radiantkd                  anyone else?
gretel                        mutual, Elaine
Jill                            friend
Bonnie                      a certain peek a boo
radiantkd                  is this scaring you?
Jill                            not yet lol
Jane                         no
Donna_S.                 no
Leah                         kind of
Meg                         no
Lesley                      why?
Jess                         no
Meg                         daughter
James                      i was eating my potato -- my sons
radiantkd                  I was surprised that people were not answering me
radiantkd                  ok, so let’s say that person said to you
Jill                            i was answering in me head
sam                         my granddaughter
Meg                         I am doing dinner at the danae time, sorry
kayla                        granddaughter
Lesley                      dh
Leah                         I'm not sure that I have someone like that
radiantkd                  I have someone I really, really like and want you to meet her/him
Delia                        DD who cannot speak
Nell                          Me too, Leah
radiantkd                  ok, maybe pick someone you respect them
Nell                          you
Loni                          good Nell
radiantkd                  :)
Loni                          my boyfriend
radiantkd                  ok so lets say this person says I have someone I want you to me
radiantkd                  she/he is awesome
Elsie                        okay
Bonnie                      k
radiantkd                  very loving, skilled, and fascinated by your life story
radiantkd                  there is just one problem
Jill                            yessss
radiantkd                  s/he does not speak English really well yet
Erin                          Oh I see....
radiantkd                  would you be willing to spend some time with her/him
radiantkd                  would you be willing?
Nell                          yep
Mary                        yes
Elaine                       yes
Elsie                        of course
Alice_F                     I've done that!
Jess                         absolutely
Jane                         yes
Stella                       y
Kath                         gentle smile, yes
Meg                         usually do this for others!
Carin                        yes, in fact have done it
Erin                          Yes, even though it would be hard/frustrating sometimes.
radiantkd                  I imagine we all have
James                      definitely
Delia.                       yes. Do that all of the time in Texas. My Spanish isn't good.
Kath                         but rarely for ourselves eh Peggy?
radiantkd                  well but if you were having *fun*, you would not mind hard
Erin                          right
Meg                         for sure Kath
Carin                        would be patient... happily
radiantkd                  ok, so lets say yo met this person and you went, *WOW!*
Jill                            chance to get creative
Patti                         I have a deaf customer who comes through my check stand at work and cannot speak
radiantkd                  and s/he knock your socks off energetically
Jane                         That would be so neat
Jill                            cool
radiantkd                  and s/he said, you know I would really like to know you
radiantkd                  would you be excited?
James                      sure
Bonnie                      sure
Val                           yep :)
Elsie                        yes
Jane                         People like that bring out the best in me
Delia                        yes
Stella                       y
Meg                         of course!
Nell                          definitely
Mary                        yep
Carin                        yes -- scared but excited
radiantkd                  you would be enchanted, LOL
Jess                         yes
Jane                         yes
Elsie                        yes
Alice_F                     flattered!
Val                           irresistible, once again!
Meg                         LOL of yes
Nell                          long time since I've been enchanted!!
Rory                         enchanted, that's a better work
radiantkd                  ok, remember, there are not weird vibes, no sexual overtones, no expectations
Jill                            honest... I'd be excited but a bit reserved ,too
Nell                          no sex, never mind then
radiantkd                  nothing creepy
Jane                         right , like a good friend
Mary                        i would be nervous about it
radiantkd                  just nice, clean energy
Elsie                        just a new best friend
Erin                          Ah, even better!
radiantkd                  ok, what would make you nervous
Jill                            i like my own space
Carin                        scared only because it's easier to listen than share
Meg                         is this harder for us if we didn't have that kind of experience at a young age?
Elsie                        I would love it!
Jess                         wondering if there was a hidden agenda
Nell                          that I'd get lost in them
radiantkd                  this is very powerful
Val                           wow, this is amazing
Meg                         scary because it is so unfamiliar
Jane                         It sure is
Mary                        Nervous in that I did not know what to expect
Rory                         that they would soon grow bored of me
Lila                           ditto Rory
Erin                          yes, this is what I work on a lot with my sponsor, the exact danae things.
Mary                        they would lose interest
Nell                          afraid it would go away
radiantkd                  ok, so you wouldn’t want to risk being dumped?
Carin                        yes, fear of rejection... even if things were good so far
radiantkd                  or let down
Carin                        yep!
Mary                        yes, i think that is it
Jess                         Wondering how they can be so excited if they don't know me
Rory                         or letting them down
Jill                            throw of the balance with regards to the rest of my life
Elsie                        No I would take the risk
Nell                          yes, afraid of getting dumped
Meg                         and yet we continue to do just that when we a slack with the journal
radiantkd                  this is making me cry
Kath                         and that I was unable to reciprocate adequately and make it worth their while
Lila                           I think it would be worth it
Nell                          why Kathleen?
Val                           I would take the risk -- it's always been worth it in the past
radiantkd                  ok, I am going to speak to you from my heart
Jill                            why, kd
radiantkd                  your body self has no agendas
radiantkd                  she will never let you down
radiantkd                  he will never walk away
radiantkd                  ever
radiantkd                  s/he will not trick you
radiantkd                  or get bored
Nell                          But, I've let my body down
radiantkd                  or lose interest
radiantkd                  your body has waited all this time
Jane                         I have too, Nell
Mary                        then why do we let her down?
radiantkd                  you are scared
Meg                         and this is all so counter to what most of us have experienced in so many relationships
radiantkd                  you do not trust
radiantkd                  your body can offer you what no one else can
Kath                         and has our truly best interests at heart, if at times she has been unaware that her solutions were the short term ones
radiantkd                  and your body has proven this over and over and over
Lila                           i think I've thought of my body as a machine
Meg                         I see that now for the first time, thanks Kathleen
Jess                         me to , Lila
radiantkd                  your body is there for YOU
radiantkd                  that it her/his sole purpose
radiantkd                  without agenda
Carin                        wow, just starting to get it... very powerful.
Jill                            i always got really MAD when/if i was in physical pain. MAD at my body
Mary                        so we listen, then write to get her message?
radiantkd                  she/he will be your ally in a way you cannot imagine
Jane                         I guess I can let down my guard then
Lila                           to think of cherishing this person
Kim                          i think of my body as so separate from me
radiantkd                  imagine your body as a trustworthy friend
radiantkd                  who would love to chat
radiantkd                  it does not have to be cosmic
radiantkd                  or scary
Rory                         I think of my body as a reflection of my failure
Meg                         I think that that is part of addiction Kim
Mary                        me, too, i have a black hole where my feelings should be
Elsie                        I want to love my body!
radiantkd                  it can be like talking about the weather with your mother
radiantkd                  your body may be scared of you
radiantkd                  s/he may think you will beat her up
Jill                            good point
Mary                        i haven't liked my body in a long time!
Nell                          because I HAVE beat her up
Carin                        I think my body's been trying to talk for a long time... and I get really frustrated bc I don't know what she's saying and what to do about it.
radiantkd                  s/he may want to hide in shame because you hate him/her
radiantkd                  I can teach you body language
Carin                        which is why this skill is so important, huh.
Kath                         making enough space to draw away to see the body's needs as a little different to what our mind hasthought helps to reclaim the oneness that is wholeness
radiantkd                  I know it really, really well
radiantkd                  your journal is a map to relationship
Jane                         I am willing to learn
Lila                           do people who aren't addicted listen to their body
radiantkd                  some do
Kim                          i am willing to learn also
Lila                           i want to learn
Carin                        yes, me too.
Kath                         they are less likely to be getting distorted messages I think Lila
Mary                        please teach me!
Elsie                        me too
radiantkd                  tonight when you get UT your journal
radiantkd                  out
Lila                           good point Kath
radiantkd                  just think of this conversation
radiantkd                  smile
radiantkd                  s/he will say *oh thank goodness! Welcome home*
Erin                          :)
radiantkd                  you can say, I am shy
Jane                         but will she trust me ?
radiantkd                  or I don’t have a clue how to do this, but lets do it
radiantkd                  she will trust you
dana                         Can I ask a question here?
Jane                         Now this is making me cry
radiantkd                  just tell her you are scared or embarrassed or ashamed for being a dork
radiantkd                  sure Dana, I love questions
dana                         I struggle with journal/diary for fear of others seeing it
dana                         Yet, I need to write my feelings all day
dana                         And I have left my journal in more than one store (smile)
radiantkd                  want a solution?
dana                         You betcha
radiantkd                  go to office depot and buy some manila envelopes
radiantkd                  each time you finish writing, seal it up
Rory                         (Yea, office depot)
radiantkd                  with your name on it and your phone number
Erin                          lol, Rory
Loni                          each entry?
radiantkd                  lets say you write 3 times a day
radiantkd                  that is 100 envelopes a month
radiantkd                  that is about $4.87
radiantkd                  LOL
dana                         Yeah, I think I can do that.  Thanks
radiantkd                  after a month, you wont be scared
gretel                        LOL
Meg                         nice solution, LOL
radiantkd                  and you do not need to be writing all day, dahling
radiantkd                  save it up some
Loni                          do you put them together?
Elsie                        And you write, Reward if returned unopened""
gretel                        LOL
Meg                         LOL
Jane                         I am going to write after this chat.
radiantkd                  what do you mean Loni
Alice_F                     Danae journal, just new envelope
Loni                          i guess i don'
Loni                          i don't understand the idea
radiantkd                  danae journal , new envelope
Alice_F                     take it out, write, seal it up again- right?
radiantkd                  if you want to make sure no one reads it
Rory                         you could write a page per entry and at home take them out
Rory                         of the envelope and put them in a notebook
radiantkd                  ok, put your whole journal in and seal it
radiantkd                  keep it locked up
radiantkd                  gee this sounds like an illicit love affair
Val                           LOL
Carin                        OHHHH!  That clears it up a lot!
Rory                         oh baby!
Val                           clandestine, LOL
Jane                         Rooftop
radiantkd                  LOL
Kath                         Vicki G has often said that breakfast each morning is a recommitment to the program, and I think it sends a message to my body I am going to look after you today""
Nell                          or get a new cover for it that says Household Items" or something"
Val                           honestly, I found that no one even notices, never mind cares, that I write in a journal
Val                           especially with the black cover version
Kath                         by finishing the journal for the day each evening I tell her that I value what her day has been like, and it is like tucking her in bed safe and cared for
gretel                        you only live with a cat, Val!
Carin                        I have a plAlicer type cover for mine -- helps me not lose it.
radiantkd                  you live alone, goofhead
dana                         I am worried because I write some intense, not so nice things
Rory                         no, I don't worry about my journal.
Val                           but I lived with four other people when I started, Gretel
Val                           and I work with other people
Lila                           my family's used to it, doesn't read
radiantkd                  Dana, edit what you write
dana                         Pseudonyms, huh?
Lila                           code words
Carin                        Dana, can you write in code"?"
Kath                         my family respect mine NOW, not at the beginning
Nell                          make up a secret code for words that are sensitive
Rory                         Dana, think of how well the person who would read your journal would know you
Kath                         I used abbreviations and code
Rory                         A new best friend
radiantkd                  give me an example of what you mean?
dana                         Are you asking me?
radiantkd                  yah
radiantkd                  I will help
dana                         I am mad at my husband, my kids, they are all xxxxxx you get the drift
radiantkd                  that does not g in your journal
Erin                          My husband was more concerned about others noticing my journal than I was
Kath                         angry does, but not the content
radiantkd                  that goes in something else
radiantkd                  yah, write mad or cranky
dana                         and that is...
radiantkd                  you are not writing it out to resolve it
radiantkd                  you are just noting it
dana                         That is what I do now, but where do I go to resolve it?
radiantkd                  if you want a write it out journal like morning pages, get a lock box
Rory                         there goes the balance of logging and diary
radiantkd                  morning pages
radiantkd                  no, I am not taking logging at all
Alice_F                     What you were saying earlier, I was thinking - journal to listen, morning pages to talk...
radiantkd                  let’s do some more with this on the list
radiantkd                  shall we?
Val                           kind of like the diff between prayer and meditation
Nell                          k
radiantkd                  YLD list?
Val                           one to listen, one to talk
dana                         I think I understand; listen v. talk
radiantkd                  no, it is more
radiantkd                  lets do it on the list
Kim                          which list will you talk about it on?
radiantkd                  yes?
dana                         Sounds good
Vicki_G                    YLD Kim
Mary                        YLD?
gretel                        YLD
Kath                         yes
Nell                          ok, on YLD list, KD?
radiantkd                  because it is time to stop
Val                           whew, this was profound, Kathleen
Meg                         thanks, I will never think of my journal in the danae old way again!
radiantkd                  yes on YLD
dana                         Thanks for your time
Stella                       great chat kathleen
Nell                          thanks kd
Alice_F                     yes, good.
radiantkd                  night
Jane                         Thank you
sam                         great chat kathleen!  Good night everyone
Jess                         Thanks, Kathleen.  VERY helpful!
Thea                         Thank you
Erin                          nice chat, Kathleen, thank you!
Stella                       good night
Alice_F                     thank you
Delia.                       night
Rory                         Thanks, I LOVE this Wed chat!
James                      thanks for a great chat
Carin                        Thanks!!
Mary                        I wish I was here for the beginning!  night
Kim                          thanks, i needed this journal talk

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