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Step Two: Journal What You Eat and How You Feel

The food journal helps you remember the details of each day. It provides a baseline for you at the beginning of your program. It gives you a picture of "before". As you continue the program, you will enjoy being able to look back at your journal and see how far you have come.

Your food journal will also teach you to read your own body. Your body doesn't have a computer printout to tell you directly what is going on with it, but it gives you clues and symptoms that hint at the bigger picture. These clues may not be in words, but your body talks in a consistent and predictable way. You just have to learn its language.

Here's what to include:

• The date and time of your entry
• What you eat or drink
• How you feel emotionally
• How you feel physically

Click here to order a food journal from us. It is very easy to use and will make the process much easier.

Read Potatoes Not Prozac (pp. 82-94) to learn more about using your food journal.

Find more information in the Doing the Steps section of our Resource Center.

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