Re: Need that "full" feeling
In Response To: Need that "full" feeling ()

: It's been a few weeks since I detoxed
: at Step 6 and am doing pretty
: good. However, I seem to need that
: full (read stuffed) feeling at
: dinner time. I find to be quite
: uncomfortable both physically and
: mentally. I am sure I am not doing
: my health any service. I am not
: gaining any weight, but I know
: this is not a good idea.

: My journal says something about
: missing the "comfort" of
: the sugar fix that has not been
: replaced. However I would like to

: let go of this need at some point.
: Just wondering if anyone else went
: through this....

: Jeffrey

Hi Jeffrey:

I think when my BEs are low especially when I am detoxing from something, my body looks for comfort food - protein (beef) does this and hot oatmeal. :h1) I think it is this idea my little addict brain has that without sugar or whatever, I am not cared for. :s6(

Also, I have trouble being steady. :h26) Right now I am doing that and it has me pretty anxious, so I am watchful for pods rearing their little spreading feet. :s9(

I guess I am just a drama pup and so if something is not wrong, I try to make something wrong :h3) I am a work in progress. :h11)

I hope this helps a bit,
