Re: Need that "full" feeling
In Response To: Need that "full" feeling ()

: It's been a few weeks since I detoxed
: at Step 6 and am doing pretty
: good

:h2) thats so good to hear!

: My journal says something about
: missing the "comfort" of
: the sugar fix that has not been
: replaced. However I would like to
: let go of this need at some point.
: Just wondering if anyone else went
: through this

well I do know about eating till the stuffed signals rather than the satisfied ( actually in itself that was a good thing as in the beginning I was just hungry and nibbly Always, so just those two signals was healing)

its something thats taken me a long time, and I take my time over dinner now, but also always have some textural things in, and my favourite dinners always so I always savour every bit, strong flavours :h11) I also like decaf afterwards, thats a bit of a signal back to my body that dinner is done

Jeffrey sorry I forget, did you join the step 6 list? as this is a really good question. Also I was reminded of this newsletter speaking about the flat and the calm