Re: I gotta talk more about this....

: Hi Gigi,

: I have what I call my "hungry
: head" where I know my stomach
: is full but I still want/crave
: food and I can eat and eat and eat
: and not feel "full" in
: my head but know I am full in my
: stomach. After reading about beta
: endorphins spiking and the four
: day crash (3 day for exercise
: spiking) I am fairly sure that is
: what it is for me.

: I used to wonder why when I was doing
: "everything right" and
: had eaten healthfully and felt
: normal for a few days would I
: crave so much food and feel weird
: in my head seeming out of the
: blue. But for me the beta
: endorphin spiking makes total
: sense and fits.

: There are other reasons for wanting
: to eat though and some of them are
: for comfort and a whole lot of
: emotional reasons. I am interested
: in what everyone has to say and
: how they have felt.

: Fiona

There are so many emotions tied to food and eating. This program has helped me identify some of them. The eating and eating and not feeling full sounds so familiar. Sometimes I have looked down at my plate at a meal and wondered where the food went, I didn't remember eating it. Sometimes I've called it mindless munching.

I think there are such things as emotional hungers that I try to satisfy with food. Having sugar fading into the background has made these things stand out more.

Thanks for your input!