What To Expect

This program is unlike anything you have done before. It is a developmental process that gets you ready, heals your brain, heals your emotions and then moves you into weight loss from a clear and steady place. You will be guided throughout each phase.

After you sign up, there are a number of things we recommend you do:

  • Join the main YLD list. This is a members only  online support group at Yahoo. Its official name there is radiantyourlastdiet.You can ask questions, get feedback and dip your toe into the process. We consider this our main place for dialogue. You can talk with others who are in every phase of doing the program. We use this list to follow up on the topics that are raised in chat. And we post the transcripts for all of the chats at this  list.
  • Come to the YLD chats and hear Kathleen talk about why this weight loss works so well. These chats are the highlight of our week. It is direct discussion and sharing. Kathleen brings new ideas, clarifies different parts of the program and answers questions. Enjoy this rare opportunity for conversations with the author of the book.
  • Join the free orientation to the main Radiant Recovery site.  This will help you all know the other things available in the community.
  • Join the Step One list to get started. Take the step one Class to learn basic skills. While this is not a specific Your Last Diet class, it is the foundation for everything that will follow.
  • Visit the community forum. Ask questions, post and listen.  While we do not do weight loss questions on the forum, here is the place to learn about anything else.
  • Read the testimonials.  These results *are* typical and will encourage you.

Remember, we do healing first. Weight loss comes after the healing.

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