Re: Susan S: Joys plus a question

Aha, an excuse to have to get the expensive coffee! (I'm sorry, but any coffee but Starbucks makes me feel ill) :h1)

I have noticed that if I have a latte (which I love but seldom get because they are expensive) I often get a stomach ache. I'm assuming it's something about the milk, although other dairy products don't seem to have that effect. Also, if I have it near a mealtime, I lose my appetite. So I guess it's just as well that I very seldom get one!

And I used to get a stomach ache when I would eat my ex husband's favorite meal to cook - sausages and french fries (not oven fries, but the frozen ones that you actually cook in oil). Spicy foods don't seem to bother my stomach at all, but too much oil or fat does. I really don't enjoy eating really fatty foods anyway, if the fat is obvious when you are eating it, like in really fatty sausages or really oily french fries, or American bacon.

: I was intrigued so googled tums and
: got a whole Q & A so now I
: feel quite knowledgeable about
: tums :h6)

: I was also reading about how foods
: like tomatoes can cause a bit of
: stomach acid and I smiled
: knowledgeably (again!) because my
: journal told me that first :h6) So
: I am guessing that you already
: have this marvellous advantage
: into decoding whats what.

: is there something that you find
: particularly soothing? I dont have
: problems myself but am very aware
: that some foods are unsettling and
: instant decaf gives me horrible
: heartburn, Im so special that
: expensive cafetiere decaf is good
: :h19)

: so glad you are feeling a bit better