Re: Jaw tension
In Response To: Re: Jaw tension ()

: : Great, Im happy you have some relief! Mine has been much better, it seems for me to be associated to the balance in carbs to protein, not necessarily tmj, but I plan to ask the dentist next visit.

: Thank you for bringing this up. I
: have been struggling with night
: headaches for a number of months,
: and I finally remembered this
: post. I have had TMJ issues in the
: past, and they sneak up from time
: to time, taking a while for me to
: figure out what is going on. For
: me, the clue is that my headaches
: are only on one side of my head. I
: recently had a massage and asked
: the therapist to work my jaw.
: Super tight! So now when I get
: that headache, I remember to do my
: stretches and intentional relax my
: jaw, which usually helps.

: I needed your reminder . Thanks
: again, Marion.

: Nancy