Reading Potatoes not prozac

I'm somewhat nostalgically having a read through. Join me with your thought?
this is page 22, chapter 2 ARE YOU SUGAR SENSITIVE?

By now, you are probably wondering if you too are sugar sensitive. And if so, how sugar sensitive are you ?
there are two ways to determine this, both of which I use with my clients. Some people prefer the informal approach, others like using the checklist in this chapter. Lets start with an informal way to diagnose sugar sensitivity. When a client comes to se me about compulsive eating, I start by asking a simple question

Imagine you come home and go into the kitchen A plate of warm chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven sits on the counter. The smell hits you as you walk in. You do not feel hungry . No one else is around. What would you do ?

I remember reading this and feeling astounded. I could not possibly be sugar sensitive. Because if that was me, I would ignore them completely, I wouldn't give in to the tumultuous assault on my senses that would be compelling me like a magnet :h6)

but I had to admit, that vision was replaying in my video - brain and I was having the most awful time with it. Now I wanted some. And what if you had replaced that with garlic bread ? LOL, no chance

so I had to reluctantly accept that that was me really. And I was surrounded by people who were not a bit bothered. I wanted to also get mad at people in weight watchers who said it was easy. It wasn't easy . Hundred percent of my effort was going on it, I was exhausted and felt on a see saw.

so it was such a relief to read this. It sounds odd but I don't even "like" sugar. But it does compel me. Starting the book with that description was convincing .............. I was left feeling it was worth reading on to see what else was me