Re: What to eat after exercise
In Response To: What to eat after exercise ()

: I have been sugar free for about six
: weeks but I always get ratty after
: exercise unless I eat lots of
: fruit. I would like to try to cut
: back on fruit. Can anyone suggest
: any alternatives.

My trainer says I should go home and eat after a work out, he suggests complex carb and protein. I usually have a Wasa cracker and nut butter.

I've also tried cottage cheese and a slice of pineapple, hard cheese and a cracker, a few bites of leftover chicken and rice, half an apple with nut butter. Maybe the fruit wouldn't bother you so much if you had something else with it.

One time I made a bigger than usual smoothie for breakfast and drank most of it for breakfast and had the rest after workout.

I guess experimenting is the way to go. Let me know if you come up with something wonderful.
