Re: What to eat after exercise
In Response To: What to eat after exercise ()

Hey Nina!

does that mean you are on step 6? or are you sugar free and doing step one?

I found going through the steps stabilized my blood sugar so that I was more stable when I exercised.That alone was HUGE.

And yes being fueled sufficiently before and after exercising is really important.

I make sure to eat good meals first and foremost.

As for snacks, I like extra helpings of meals or simply hardboiled eggs and a brown like rice, sweet potato fries, garbanzo bean flour pancakes, etc. A small protein shake is nice too! Fruit like 1/2 apple or banana is nice too along with the snack of protein and brown.

Let us know how we can continue to support you in your radiant recovery adventure!


: I have been sugar free for about six
: weeks but I always get ratty after
: exercise unless I eat lots of
: fruit. I would like to try to cut
: back on fruit. Can anyone suggest
: any alternatives.