Breakfast. What DID it actually do for me ?

Really interesting in Chat last night. We were bouncing round some ideas as usual which I find really thought provoking as well as entertaining and feel-good.

I was remembering, when I found the forum, I wanted to talk about how anxious I was feeling, and how fat I was and how that was affecting my life. And how everything was ruled and constricted by diet.

Everyone kept going on about breakfast, and I didn't understand it. I was doing breakfast. I wanted to say..... BUT............ I'm eating it. And I feel rubbish. Whyy do you go ON and ON about it

Retrospect is a marvellous thing isn't it :h6)

I didn't see any of it at the time, it worked in spite of that, it was only about end of step three that I could see the point

what did breakfast do for me ?
*my most important perhaps - it started to just steady my blood sugar that little bit
*it started to calm my ups and down of beta endorphin
* I started to listen in a small way to what my body said
* I realised I focused on problems rather than solutions
* I saw I had my spotlight on what I don't like, rather than the pleasure of what I do
* Ive always been interested in others thoughts but I actually started to hear
* realised"mistake" is never a mistake its just learning stuff
*it made me take care of just Me
* I started to see my own manipulations of making life difficult and it doesnt have to be like that
* it slowed my "Driven" feelings where I got weight obsessed
*it was a relief and structure to hold on to
*it brought a focus point in which distracted me from other nonsense
*it gave me a feeling of achievement
* I finally saw there were four parts not just throw myself at it .... I can perceive detail.... achievement!
* I see I can do just one thing at a time, it doesn't have to be 100% All The Time
*it widened my horizons,
* got me out of feeling stuck
* I could see I'm not alone
*it tapped into my forward planning skills
*it reinforced my cooking skills
* it made me interested in taste again
* I could engage with textures too instead of an unconscious switched off approach to dining
* I didn't have to breakfast in front of the telly to distract me, I could invent my own Morning Place by the French windows. My Place.
* it made me sit and take a minute
*encouraged me to try new things
* made me weigh up the advantages of convenience
* helped me listen to other ideas
* stopped me dieting just that little bit
*helped me let go of some ingrained ideas
*started me off in a community feeling
* realised it wasn't just me
* able to follow an instruction - not blindly, but use my interpretation
*got my interest
*realised shake wasn't necessarily a dieting enemy but could be an advantage
* same with cottage cheese
* realised within the hour wasn't something designed to ruin my life after all
* realise it was all about what suits ME
* see that it was MY decisions that were important
*see how organised I am ! Proud!
* see how capable I have actually always been
* see which browns suit me best
* play with the proteins I like best
* Yes, play and experiment is Good, I don't have to do rigid control
* reinforce the things I know I don't like - and I don't have to have them . Things like grapefruit cos its supposed to be good for me. No thanks - and that's for all the years of "diet foods"
* found out chicken stew is really good for breakfast
*same for chilli
* can be proud of ALL this
* every tiny thing can be acknowledged and celebrated
* and if I want blue cheese for breakfast its ok because its what *I* want
*I* get to choose everything = freedom

I'm sure I could go on but its time for a breather :h6)
I smile now that I I never saw a thing before step three when I woke up a bit

some things no doubt repeated :h6) as that was just' thinking'.....some things deserve repeating :h5) Like, what did you have for breakfast? Makes you think :h4) :h4) :h11)

what are your breakfast specials?