Re: Breakfast. What DID it actually do for me ?

Hi, Maria.

I know I'm a bit late responding to this, but I just had to hop in and say, Oh, my gosh -- me too!!! This has happened to me a few times in the months I've been working on breakfast -- I go along well with all four parts, and I see how much better I feel, how much more stable, even, and productive I am ... and at first it's such a relief... and then after a while I just want to blow it up and go back to the drama of chasing bad food, eating it as if someone was going to steal it back, and then feeling horrible ... cuz, gosh, that was way more fun than feeling calm and well ... and I start again. It's such a relief to see someone else say this; I was beginning to think I really was the one person this program couldn't help. And it's even better that you're funny about it -- it made me lighten up about it too, and say, well, at least I know what to do now, what works! Thank you!!!


: I was doing pretty well on breakfast
: (I think) but I've slipped into
: grumbling about it and getting
: careless and feeling like a
: victim.... you guys will probably
: tell me those feelings are
: biochemical and doing the food
: will make them better :h21)
: this is a good reminder to pay
: attention to breakfast.

: I usually do shake with hot cereal,
: or eggs with meat and potatoes,
: sometimes leftovers from dinner.
: Sometimes I'll try a simple
: recipe. My biggest enemy might be
: boredom... My brain says,
: "Hey you know what would be
: even more fun than trying a new
: recipe? Messing with the program
: basics!! Instability is
: fun!!" Routine has never been
: my friend..... I remember driving
: home from college different ways
: (sometimes getting lost in bad
: neighborhoods) just to see where
: those roads went and if I could
: find my way home (before GPS). So
: I definitely have to fight those
: impulses. I probably got off topic
: from your question. But anyways
: thank you for sharing, I am
: inspired by the changes that are
: possible. :h6)