Re: Snacks
In Response To: Re: Snacks ()

: Hi & thanks...I am doing steps 1
: 2 & 3..without any problem as
: I have always eaten
: breakfast...and I journal on a
: very reg basis , so to do these
: steps is easy for me...adding the
: protein will be a little
: challenging but I will make it :)
: question was aboiut snacks
: between lunch & dinner ,,I got
: my answer in the book :) I look
: forward to reading the threads...

Hi Judy:

Aren't Kathleen's books wonderful! :h4) I have reread them several times and learn something new every time. :h5) I have also found the step groups to be very helpful for sorting things such as getting the right amount of protein for my body weight. :h26)

Kathleen also published a wonderful CD called "What is Embedded in the Steps." I have listened to this CD many times over. I never realized why the steps are in the order they are and how to get the most out of every step until I had listened to this CD. It transformed my program. :h11)

Would you like to talk about getting enough protein in for breakfast? I personally love making shake with Restore protein powder, almond milk, "All One" vitamins and a banana. Sometimes I change it out with sweet potato or add flax seed or baby oatmeal. :h10)
